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Implementing NIH Deposit Policies: Institutional Strategies at the University of Minnesota CNI Spring Task Force Meeting April 7-8, 2008 Minneapolis, MN.

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1 Implementing NIH Deposit Policies: Institutional Strategies at the University of Minnesota CNI Spring Task Force Meeting April 7-8, 2008 Minneapolis, MN


3 UMN Copyright Policy 2007:Ownership

4 UMN Copyright Policy 2007: Access

5 Authors Rights Campaign Prepare all librarian liaisons to educate campus –Develop tutorial; give presentations CIC Addendum –Author retains right to use, derivative works, reproduce, disseminate –Within 6 months, can make final version available in repository [NIH policy says within 12 months] –Retains non-exclusive right to enable institution to use CIC Addendum endorsed by University of Minnesota Senate and adapted for use in May 2007

6 NIH Policy (2007) The Director of the National Institutes of Health shall require that all investigators funded by the NIH submit or have submitted for them to the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed Central an electronic version of their final, peer- reviewed manuscripts upon acceptance for publication, to be made publicly available no later than 12 months after the official date of publication: Provided, That the NIH shall implement the public access policy in a manner consistent with copyright law. Institutions and investigators are responsible for ensuring that any publishing or copyright agreements concerning submitted articles fully comply with this Policy.

7 Institutional Questions Do we encourage authors to push for broader rights (especially regarding embargo period) than is needed for the NIH policy? Do we encourage deposit in our Digital Conservancy?

8 Policy Implementation Partnership Office of the Vice President for Research –Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) University Libraries –University Librarian and Health Sciences Libraries Director attended ARL Implementation Planning meeting in January –Scholarly Communications Collaborative –Library Liaisons University Counsel Faculty

9 Implementation Steps Creation of website as resource Email address to field all questions Presentations to campus groups –Senate Library Committee –Senate Research Committee –Council of Associate Research Deans –Various college/department-specific groups


11 Implementation Steps Comments provided for NIH open meeting in March Letter from VP Research and University Librarian to all Principal Investigators New text added to all Notice of Grant Awards by Sponsored Projects office Letter by VP Research for authors to use with first submission of manuscript to publisher (based on model used by Duke)

12 Assessing Potential Impact Some University of Minnesota Numbers (best calculations; institutional searches in PubMed index are difficult and messy) From May 2005 (start of voluntary NIH Public Access Policy) through January 2008 –4,818 UMN Twin Cities research articles in PubMed (32 months) 1,827 which cite NIH Support (not all authors appropriately cite support) –230 deposited to PubMed Central »80 submitted by an author (others submitted by publisher) In 2007: 1,902 articles in PubMed (avg 158/month) –633 which cite NIH Support 68 deposited to PubMed Central by publisher or author 43% of UMN sponsored research in FY2007 was NIH

13 Assessing Potential Impact A look at 10 years of data in PubMed: –6,027 total articles indexed in PubMed which cited NIH support and listed the UMN (Twin Cities) as the primary author's affiliation –appeared in a total of 1,195 journals 512 (43%) contain only a single citation 539 (45%) have between 2 and 10 citations (2,088 articles) 144 journals (12%) have more than 10 UMN NIH- funded citations; 3,427 articles or 56.8% of total –83.3% of these journals (120) allow for compliance

14 Assessing Potential Impact 120journals allow for compliance 15 already in PubMed Central 34 will deposit manuscript for author 68 permit author to submit manuscript

15 Next Steps Policy went into effect yesterday (April 7 th ) –Despite our efforts, have our researchers paid attention yet? (Research Administration has) –Leverage this increasing awareness on campus to promote authors rights –Analyze the questions we receive and adjust our educational materials and approach accordingly –Will more publishers be supportive of (and helpful with) deposit? –Continue to work with our Associations (like ARL and AAHSL) to influence effective implementation and share best practices

16 For more information… UMN Library resource site: Authors’ Rights Tutorial: CIC Addendum:

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