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What comment is being made about the general strike in this cartoon?

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Presentation on theme: "What comment is being made about the general strike in this cartoon?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What comment is being made about the general strike in this cartoon?


3 What can you learn from this source? Year Days lost to strikes in millions Year Days lost to strikes in millions 191934.919257.9 192026.51926162.2 192185.819271.1 192219.819281.4 192310.619298.3 19248.4

4 Why did the General Strike break out in 1926 To be able to describe the causes of the General Strike.

5 In May 1926 much of Britain came to a halt. The coal, iron, steel, chemical and newspaper industries ceased production. In the docks, ships were neither loaded nor unloaded. Railway trains, the London Underground and many bus services stopped running. The government sent soldiers and armoured cars to key places in London. Warships were sent to the River Clyde, Tyne and Mersey. World newspapers turned their attention on Britain anticipating the outbreak of violence and revolution. The General Strike lasted nine days in May 1926.

6 Questions on the causes of the General Strike, 1926 1.What were the structural problems in the coal industry? 2.What did miners, dockers and railwaymen promise to do when they formed the Triple Alliance? 3.Why did the government’s decision to put Britain back on the Gold Standard in 1925 make the situation worse? 4.What was ‘Red Friday’? 5.What did the Samuel Commission Report say? 6.What did the mine owners do when the government subsidies ended in April 1926? 7.How did the miners respond to this? 8.Why did Baldwin not take steps to prevent a General Strike? 9.What Act did the government pass the day before the strike was due to begin?

7 The causes of the General Strike

8 Produce a spider diagram The causes of the General Strike Mine owners announced pay cuts and longer working hours. They did this because... The Samuel Commission also failed to prevent the strike... The last straw for the government was the... Nevertheless there is another opinion which suggests that the government wanted the General Strike to take place... The reason it was a General Strike and not just a miners strike was...

9 Use pages 61-62 to turn all of the events into a storyboard/flow diagram of events Your flow diagram/storyboard needs to cover the main causes of the General Strike.

10 Homework Complete your flow diagram. Due in Wednesday.

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