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CHEAM PARK FARM INFANTS’ SCHOOL Phonics workshop Whilst you are waiting please complete the phonics quiz on the table.

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Presentation on theme: "CHEAM PARK FARM INFANTS’ SCHOOL Phonics workshop Whilst you are waiting please complete the phonics quiz on the table."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHEAM PARK FARM INFANTS’ SCHOOL Phonics workshop Whilst you are waiting please complete the phonics quiz on the table

2 Agenda Phonics in Nursery Teaching phonics in Reception- different phases How we teach phonics Blending and segmenting Sound buttons Sounds activities- lets have a play Helping at home

3 What would you like out of this session?

4 The importance of phonics Phonics is taught to children throughout the school every day To teach and learn phonics effectively the pure sound must be used

5 Letters and Sounds 2007 Primary strategy programme to teach phonics from nursery to Year 2 Set out in phases 1 – 6 with recommendations about when each phase should be taught Whole school follows this programme

6 Children entering our reception classes have usually been working within phase 1, providing opportunities to enrich their language across all the areas of learning. Phase 1 focuses on a language- rich provision with children being exposed to environmental sounds, instrumental sounds, rhythm and rhyme, alliteration, voice sounds and oral blending and segmenting. Phase 1- Nursery

7 Phase 2- Early reception The purpose of phase 2 is to move from oral blending and segmenting, where children are hearing adults modelling oral blending, to blending and segmenting with letters. To teach at least 19 letters (we focus on 4 a week) By the end of the phase many children should be able to read and spell some VC (vowel, consonant) and CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant).

8 Phase 3- later reception The purpose of phase 3 is to teach another 25 graphemes- the sound that a letter or letters make together e.g. ‘oa’. Continue blending and segmenting, applying to reading and writing. Introduce further tricky words. Learn letter names.

9 Phase 4- later reception To consolidate the children’s knowledge of graphemes in reading and spelling.

10 Different ways we teach phonics Phonics is taught each day using a variety of supporting aids: following the letters and sounds programme using the Jolly Phonics songs/pictures/ actions. Big cat Espresso phonics videos (Scrap and Polly)

11 So are you ready to give it a go?




15 Blending and segmenting We blend sounds to create words as we are speaking to help us read by pushing them together c – a – t is the word cat When reading and writing we segment the words by sounding out each phoneme breaking the word up cat is c – a - t

16 Sound buttons We encourage children to identify the sounds in a word by using a ‘sound button’ to represent each one. Children ‘press the button’ for each individual sound.

17 Let’s apply our sound buttons! Phase 2 words

18 cat


20 mop


22 sock


24 Let’s apply our sound buttons! Phase 3 words (don’t forget some sounds may be 2 letters together!)

25 chip


27 goat


29 rain


31 PSEUDO/ALIEN WORDS Alongside real words we also encourage children to identify sounds in pseudo or alien words. It is useful for identifying which children are so secure in their sounds knowledge that they can identify and read them in any word. zom chur t

32 Sounds activities Lets have some fun

33 Helping at home Revising the sounds learnt each week- refer to sound sheet sent home in home learning folder Play sound activities: eye spy, listening hunt, sound hunt, lotto games, create sound pots. Home made activities that you make with your child are fantastic! Shopping list to take home.

34 Any Questions?

35 Foundation Stage Video

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