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L1Calo Installation Status Murrough Landon, QMUL Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (University of Birmingham, University of Heidelberg, University of Mainz,

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Presentation on theme: "L1Calo Installation Status Murrough Landon, QMUL Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (University of Birmingham, University of Heidelberg, University of Mainz,"— Presentation transcript:

1 L1Calo Installation Status Murrough Landon, QMUL Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (University of Birmingham, University of Heidelberg, University of Mainz, Queen Mary University of London, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, University of Stockholm) Outline: Overview Setup for tests First look

2 CERN, 26 Jan 2006 Murrough Landon, QMUL L1Calo Installation Overview Short analogue cables –Delayed by new discussions over routing. Now doing receiver to PPM cables, TCPPs later (schedule can be tuned). Measure lengths in place, then connectors added by Cegelec, then completed cables laid again. Cable supports (“stocks”) –Supports for TCPPs now delivered, one installed, need to check position eg with Irakli? Patch panels –TCPP production complete, shipped from RAL yesterday –Other patch panels (receiver to PPM) in design or preproduction Trigger Electronics –Most module types in or near production - but ROD & PPM are last –Electronics installation not before spring/summer

3 CERN, 26 Jan 2006 Murrough Landon, QMUL Cable Tests: Setup HW infrastructure –1 final Receiver and 1 prototype PPM (four cables) each side, connected by four sets of “flying” cables starting from TCPPs –Can test four TileCal modules on one or both sides at a time Software –Still using standalone VME readout of PPMs (no ROD for a while) –Rather slow (eg 2 mins per run) but it works Test procedure –Connect set of 4 Tile cables, couple of setup runs (check DAC level, pedestals) –Ideally run through a set of tests: pulse one PM/tower separately * 5 PMs a few different energies per tower (all PMs) saturated and unsaturated Pattern of different energies in each tower for mapping check –Minimum: one run with 50GeV per tower –Logistics/coordination needs more discussion…

4 CERN, 26 Jan 2006 Murrough Landon, QMUL Cable Tests: Results Data –So far only from 5 modules (47C,48C,50C,51C,52C) –Mostly the weekend run with saturated pulses (>250GeV) via receivers –Some earlier tests with non-saturated pulses (just 51C) not via the receiver What we see –Pulses look OK on all the expected channels –Details to be checked (eg shape, noise, mapping, etc) –Some tiny (~1%) pulses on other channels (calibration artefact?) Problems –One faulty MCM replaced on PPM (to be checked in Heidelberg) –Dead receiver rear transition module - cause to be investigated by Pittsburgh (Chaouki). This board sees the Tile signals first. Might its death be connected with Tile PS problems??

5 CERN, 26 Jan 2006 Murrough Landon, QMUL Some pulses: noise and ~50GeV (51C)

6 CERN, 26 Jan 2006 Murrough Landon, QMUL Some pulses: saturated (47/48C)

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