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SESSION GOALS Meet Looking over syllabus of the course Different sessions of the course In-class and out of class activities Giving the research and presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "SESSION GOALS Meet Looking over syllabus of the course Different sessions of the course In-class and out of class activities Giving the research and presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 SESSION GOALS Meet Looking over syllabus of the course Different sessions of the course In-class and out of class activities Giving the research and presentation topics Move to today’s subject

2 MEET Assoc.Prof.Dr. Muhammed TURHAN Department of Educational Sciences Majoring in Educational Administration, Supervision, Planning and Economics I teach classroom management, lifelong learning, educational psychology, Turkish Educational System and School Administration, Guidance

3 MEET Res.Assist. Yusuf Celal Erol Department of Educational Sciences Majoring in Educational Administration, Supervision, Planning and Economics Going on master study “school-family relationship”

4 MEET Name, last name University and department you graduated. Which part of Ghana are you from? Your goals for attending pedagogical formation course.


6 DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE COURSE 1. Presentation of the lecturer 2. Group Discussion 3. Your turn

7 Giving the research and presentation topics

8 CHARACTERISTICS OF TODAY’S LEARNERS Different definitions of education and learning Need for learning Knowledge society Characteristics of 21st century learners

9 DEFINITIONS OF EDUCATION Plato “Education is the capacity to feel pleasure and pain at the right moment”. Aristotle “Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body” Pestalozzi “Education is natural, harmonious and progressive development of man’s innate powers” Dewey “Education is the process of living through a continuous reconstruction of experinces” İ mam-ı Azam Ebu Hanife “Education is to teach something for the benefits of and againist the individual.

10 DEFINITIONS OF EDUCATION Mevlana “Education is to teach ways to reach Allah (CC)”

11 DEFINITIONS OF EDUCATION Education is a process of inviting truth and possibility, of encouraging and giving time to discovery. A social process – ‘a process of living and not a preparation for future living’.

12 DISCUSSION: WHAT DOES IT MEAN? ‘a process of living and not a preparation for future living’.

13 HADITHS ABOUT EDUCATION It is an obligation for every Muslim to seek knowledge. To acquire knowledge is binding upon all Muslims, whether male or female. Seek knowledge from cradle to grave. Acquire knowledge, it enables its possessor to distinguish right from wrong; it lights the way to heaven.

14 PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION Make things easy for the people and do not make things difficult for them. Active participation Out of class activities Learning from born to death Teacher is not a source of knowledge, guide for learning. Education should pay attention to students’ interest.

15 WHAT IS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN..? What is difference between education and instruction? Education encompasses all kinds of behaviors will be taught and learned. Instruction is involved in planned and structured subjects such as courses.

16 DEFINITIONS OF LEARNING A relatively permanent change in behavior that results from practise. 1.There must be a change in behavior. 2.Change should be “permanent” not temporary. 3.Change shuld be a result of practise.

17 DIFFERENT TYPES OF LEARNING Formal learning ◦ includes the hierarchically structured school system that runs from primary school through the university and organized school- like programs created in business for technical and professional training.

18 DIFFERENT TYPES OF LEARNING Informal learning ◦ describes a lifelong process whereby individuals acquire attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educational influences and resources in his or her environment, from family and neighbors, from work and play, from the market place, the library and the mass media. ◦ this is non-purposive learning which takes place in everyday life contexts in the family, at work, during leisure.

19 DIFFERENT TYPES OF LEARNING Self-motivated learning ◦ There is a heavy emphasis on the need for individuals to take responsibility for their own learning. ◦ Lifelong learners are, therefore, not defined by the type of education or training in which they are involved, but by the personal characteristics that lead to such involvement.

20 DIFFERENT TYPES OF LEARNING Self-funded learning ◦ The concept of self-funded learning is linked to the characteristic of self motivated learning. ◦ the lifelong learning policy agenda emphasizes the responsibility of individuals to finance their own continuing education and training with minimal support from government. ◦ to invest time, money and effort in education or training on a continuous basis.

21 DIFFERENT TYPES OF LEARNING Universal participation ◦ A distinctive feature of the lifelong learning policy literature is a commitment to universal participation in education and training.

22 OECD REPORT ON LLL In advocating 'lifelong learning for all', the OECD argues; ◦ universal participation is necessary for meeting the economic demands of the 21st century. ◦ the concept of universal participation includes both informal and formal learning for all purposes - social, economic and personal.

23 OECD REPORT ON LLL universal participation in lifelong learning is necessary for social cohesion in a time of rapid economic and social change.

24 FOUR CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE LONG LEARNERS Learning to do acquiring and applying skills, including life skills: ◦ equipping people for the types of work needed now and in the future including innovation and adaptation of learning to future work environments.

25 FOUR CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE LONG LEARNERS Learning to be promoting creativity and personal fulfillment: ◦ education contributing to a person’s complete development: mind and body, intelligence, sensitivity, aesthetic appreciation and spirituality

26 FOUR CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE LONG LEARNERS Learning to know an approach to learning that is flexible, critical and capable: ◦ Mastering learning tools rather than acquisition of structured knowledge;

27 FOUR CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE LONG LEARNERS Learning to live together exercising tolerance, understanding and mutual respect: ◦ Peacefully resolving conflict, discovering other people and their cultures, fostering community capability, individual competence and capacity, economic resilience, and social inclusion

28 TRADITIONAL LEARNING, TRAINING AND LIFELONG LEARNING The teacher is the sole source of knowledge, Traditional education are ill suited to equip people to work and live in a knowledge economy. Teamwork, problem solving, motivation for lifelong learning cannot be acquired in a traditional learning setting

29 TRADITIONAL LEARNING, TRAINING AND LIFELONG LEARNING A lifelong learning system must reach larger segments of the population, including people with diverse learning needs. It must be competency driven rather than age related. new curricula and new teaching methods are needed. efforts need to be made to reach learners who cannot enroll in programs at traditional institutions.

30 TRADITIONAL LEARNING, TRAINING AND LIFELONG LEARNING LLL enables learners to acquire more of the new skills demanded by the knowledge economy as well as more traditional academic skills. WHAT IS THE “KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY?”

31 TRADITIONAL LEARNING, TRAINING AND LIFELONG LEARNING Lifelong learning is more than training or continuing education. It must support multiple learning opportunities including exploring conceptual understanding.


33 Learners are the same as they have always been. The same methods that worked for me when I was a student will work for my students now.

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