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TBWG – Ottawa Update Quebec City, October 28, 2010 Ted Mackay, Transport Canada.

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1 TBWG – Ottawa Update Quebec City, October 28, 2010 Ted Mackay, Transport Canada

2 Overview New Minister Parliamentary Update Council of the Federation Economic Action Plan Overview Economic Update Recent Studies and Reports DRIC

3 New Minister The Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Member of Parliament since 1993 Early start to building relations with U.S. –Bi-laterals with LaHood and Napolitano

4 Parliamentary Update (308 seats) Liberals (76)NDP (36)Bloc Québecois (48) Conservatives (143)Independents (2) Source: Wikipedia, Internet: Vacant (3)

5 Council of the Federation “Federal investment in technology, infrastructure and human resources at borders is critical to ensuring traffic flows as efficiently as possible.” -Council of the Federation

6 Economic Action Plan - Overview Sixth report to Canadians released Sept. 27 – ure.asp?pageId=189 Over 22,500 projects underway or completed –97% of total In 2010-11, $22 billion in federal stimulus funding complemented by $7 billion from provinces, territories, municipalities, other partners

7 Infrastructure Stimulus Fund (September 2010) All of the $4 billion funding available for projects has now been committed –Approximately 4,000 projects, representing a total investment of $10B, have been approved –Road and Highway projects: over $1.2B in federal funds committed to 1,480 projects across Canada –Transit: $255.8M in federal funding for 68 transit projects with a total project cost of $721.7M Fund ends March 31, 2011

8 Economic and Fiscal Update Economic and fiscal update presented by Minister of Finance October 12 Federal deficit $55.6B (2009 – 10) Balanced budget target of 2015-16 on track Overall, Canada in best fiscal situation in G7

9 Economic Update Moderate growth in the next few years but uncertainty remains Unemployment rate at 8%; 423,000 jobs created since July 2009

10 Recent Transport and Border Studies and Reports National Highway System Condition Report (Council of Ministers of Transport of Canada) Transportation in Canada - Annual Report (TC) Canada-U.S. Relations: No time for Complacency (Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute) Congestion Pricing Options for Southbound Freight at Pac Highway (BPRI) A Matter of Trust (C. D. Howe Institute) Canada-United States Border Survey (Statistics Canada )

11 Canada-United States Border Survey Conducted over last two years, released March 2010 –Source: Statistics Canada website What was the most important border issue when exporting to the U.S. in 2008? –Paperwork - 34% –Costs - 18% –Border delays – 11% –Differences between U.S. and Canadian regulations – 9% –Uncertainty about border delays – 8% –NAFTA rules of origin regulation – 8%

12 Latest Cross-Border Traffic statistics - PBOA Overall increase of 5.61% in combined truck and passenger vehicles, at PBOA members, 2010 over 2009 Significant growth in truck traffic at Ambassador (21%), Blue Water (13%), Peace (11%) However, traffic is not back to 2007 or 2008 levels Based on economic forecasts, slow growth in bridge and other cross-border traffic expected

13 Detroit River International Crossing Environmental approvals are in place on both sides of the border Pursuing a public-private partnership (P3) for crossing and plaza Financing for Ontario access road – Windsor-Essex Parkway

14 Questions? Ted Mackay, Director, Highway and Border Policy Transport Canada 613-991-5981

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