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Creating A Good Power Point By Mr. Wilson All About Dolphins Grade 2 By Mr. Wilson All About Dolphins Grade 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating A Good Power Point By Mr. Wilson All About Dolphins Grade 2 By Mr. Wilson All About Dolphins Grade 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating A Good Power Point By Mr. Wilson All About Dolphins Grade 2 By Mr. Wilson All About Dolphins Grade 2

2 You Need These Things Intro Slide Information Slides (3 per student) Conclusion Slide Intro Slide Information Slides (3 per student) Conclusion Slide

3 Things To Remember Proper Capitalization Your name on your slides Each student –Make your own slides –At your own computer I will put them together for you Then you can make it pretty Proper Capitalization Your name on your slides Each student –Make your own slides –At your own computer I will put them together for you Then you can make it pretty

4 Examples of Slides

5 All About Dolphins Group: Transformers By Chris, Bill and Darla For Mrs. Baney Chris

6 How deep do dolphins dive? Scientists do not really know –32 species of dolphins –Most have not been studied Bottlenose dolphins –Shallow divers –No deeper than 150 feet Bill

7 Are dolphins the same color? No Lots of differences in dolphin color Killer whales are black and white Bottlenose are different colors of grey. –Grey on top –White on bottom Helps hide them Darla

8 How big do dolphins grow? Biggest dolphin Babies are 8 feet long Adults are 20 feet long Babies are 3 1/2 feet long Adults 8-9 feet long Bottlenose DolphinsKiller Whales DarlaChris

9 How To Make It Pretty You can’t add pictures, colors, fonts or designs UNTIL you finish your information!

10 All About Dolphins Group: Transformers By Chris, Bill and Darla For Mrs. Baney Group: Transformers By Chris, Bill and Darla For Mrs. Baney Chris

11 How deep do dolphins dive? Scientists do not really know Scientists do not really know –32 species of dolphins –Most have not been studied Bottlenose dolphins Bottlenose dolphins –Shallow divers –No deeper than 150 feet Scientists do not really know Scientists do not really know –32 species of dolphins –Most have not been studied Bottlenose dolphins Bottlenose dolphins –Shallow divers –No deeper than 150 feet Bill

12 Are dolphins the same color? Lots of differences in dolphin color Killer whales are black and white Lots of differences in dolphin color Killer whales are black and white Bottlenose are different colors of grey. –Grey on top –White on bottom Helps hide them Bottlenose are different colors of grey. –Grey on top –White on bottom Helps hide them Bill

13 How big do dolphins grow? Biggest dolphin Babies are 8 feet long Adults are 20 feet long Biggest dolphin Babies are 8 feet long Adults are 20 feet long Babies are 3 1/2 feet long Adults 8-9 feet long Babies are 3 1/2 feet long Adults 8-9 feet long Bottlenose DolphinsKiller Whales Darla

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