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Nervous system Central Nervous System (CNS) Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

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Presentation on theme: "Nervous system Central Nervous System (CNS) Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 nervous system Central Nervous System (CNS) Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

2 cns vs. pns

3 nerves

4 nervous system central nervous system peripheral nervous system brain spinal cord somatic NS autonomicNS sensory nerves motor nerves sympathetic NS parasympathetic NS

5 autonomicNS sympathetic NS parasympathetic NS expends energy (fight or flight) conserves energy (rest digest) activity

6 gray matter vs. white matter

7 cortex brain stem overview midbrain hindbrain

8 medulla RAS vital functions reflexes pons RAS & raphe REM & paralysis decussation cerebellum coordination

9 midbrain substantia nigra

10 thalamus & hypothalamus hypothalamus: 4 F’s Fight, flight, feeding, & reproduction

11 subcortical structures basal ganglialimbic system

12 gyri & sulci & fissures

13 gyri & sulci

14 cortical lobes


16 somatosensory cortexmotor cortex

17 frontal lobe

18 executive functions planning & organizing abstract thinking reasoning & problem solving inhibition maturation of PFC cells

19 Phineas Gage

20 Broca’s Area & Wernicke’s Area Broca’s Aphasia Wernicke’s Aphasia production comprehension

21 Broca’s Aphasia A patient who was asked about a dental appointment replied haltingly and indistinctly: “Yes…Monday…Dad and Dick…Wednesday nine o’clock…10 o’clock…doctors…and …teeth.”

22 Wernicke’s Aphasia A patient who was asked to describe a picture that showed two boys stealing cookies reported smoothly: “Mother is away here working her work to get her better, but when she’s looking the two boys looking in the other part. She’s working another time.”

23 corpus callosum

24 commissures

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