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9-1-1 Text Messaging Black Hawk County Consolidated Communications Center.

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1 9-1-1 Text Messaging Black Hawk County Consolidated Communications Center

2 Fox 61 Newsclip

3 The Need 31 Million deaf and hard of hearing in US Sometimes “calling” 9-1-1 is not an option Use of text messaging skyrocketing

4 Challenges Existing 9-1-1 system based on analog technology and not able to receive IP-based information, such as a text message More than 6000 public safety answering points (PSAPs) in the country – For text messaging to mirror existing 9-1-1 system, a text message must be routed to the correct PSAP based on the “caller’s” location – And text exchange must then be displayed on the PSAP’s call taking terminal in real time Black Hawk, in collaboration with its technology partners addressed these issues

5 Why Black Hawk

6 The Test June 9 th, 2009 Live from the National Emergency Number Association Conference Test text message initiated from the main stage Automatically routed to Black Hawk based on location given


8 August 5, 2009 Go Live date Black Hawk is the first 9-1-1 center in the nation able to receive a text message directly into 9-1-1 Future enhancements will automatically route text to 9-1-1 as appropriate

9 Lessons learned Importance of public/private partnership ???

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