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Algorithms 605321 2 Named after: Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi of Khowarezm (now Khiva in Uzbekistan) Algorithm.

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Presentation on theme: "Algorithms 605321 2 Named after: Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi of Khowarezm (now Khiva in Uzbekistan) Algorithm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Algorithms 605321

2 2 Named after: Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi of Khowarezm (now Khiva in Uzbekistan) Algorithm

3 3 Algorithm– History Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi  Circa 160-230 A.H. (anno Hegirae)  Circa 780-850 C.E. (Common Era)

4 Textbook Computer algorithms introduction to Design & Analysis Sara Baase, 3 ed edition.

5 Course Description  (3 credit hours, Prerequisite: Data Structures)  Fundamentals of algorithmic problem solving, fundamentals of analysis of algorithm efficiency, complexity of an algorithm. Concentration on algorithms applications and development of algorithms.  أساسيات حل المسألة الخوارزمية ، أساسيات تحليل كفاءة الخوارزمية، تعقيد خوارزمية. التركيز على تطبيقات الخوارزميات وتطويرها.

6 Marking  First Exam25 marks  Second Exam 25 marks  Activity 10 marks  Final Exam 40 marks

7 Instructor's Name: Dr. Ahmad Tayyar Email:

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