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Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe’s Physical Habitat/ Bioassessment Program on the Lower Truckee River Daniel Mosley Environmental Specialist Pyramid Lake Paiute.

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Presentation on theme: "Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe’s Physical Habitat/ Bioassessment Program on the Lower Truckee River Daniel Mosley Environmental Specialist Pyramid Lake Paiute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe’s Physical Habitat/ Bioassessment Program on the Lower Truckee River Daniel Mosley Environmental Specialist Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe

2 Map

3 Lower Truckee River within the Lower Truckee River within the Pyramid Lake Paiute Indian Reservation

4 Wet/ Dry Trends

5 Sensitive Taxa Cui-ui Cui-ui (Chasmistes cujus) Lahontan Cutthroat Trout (Clarki henshawi) (Clarki henshawi)

6 Tolerant Taxa

7 2002 Analysis

8 PLPT BA Program n 15 years of data collected over a span of 20 years, 1981- 2000. n 2 collection methods –Surber sampler (1981 to 1999) –1 meter Kicknet (2 years, 1992-1993) –10 x18 inch Kicknet(2001 to present) –Differing number of replicates each year n 3 counting/identification methods –Estimated counts (2 years, 1992 & 1993) –Presence/Absence (2 years, 1994 & 1995) –Total counts 1981, 1996 to present)

9 Metric Selection n EDAS calculates ~70 metrics n To narrow focus on the most robust metrics, Tetra Tech decided to concentrate on those metrics that were identified from peer reviewed literature –14 metrics –Chapter 7, Table 7-1 n

10 RBP Recommended Metrics

11 The PLPT Biological Index consists of 4 core metrics: Taxonomic Richness Percent EPT Individuals Percent Tolerant Individuals Percent Dominant Taxon

12 Approx. Upstream Distance (miles) from MBD Station ID YearAverage 1981198919901996199920002001* 22.5I8063.639.343.647.051.248.9 20WB18.735.846.533.7 19AH47.051.249.1 17.5FJR52.825.159.451.247.1 14.5SS47.347.3 11.5NW38.980.859.9 10.5DO60.539.059.352.745.9*51.5 8CN34.250.551.745.547.9*45.9 6.5ND40.140.1 5LNX73.835.355.154.1*54.6 3.5NB28.363.345.8 2NIX71.045.457.650.1*56.1 0MBD58.216.344.745.525.638.1 Average59.227.745.251.347.350.751.247.5 *Only 2 of 6 sites for 2001 had been processed and ready for this analysis. BOLD sites are sites that will be part of the future sampling scheme.100-80Excellent69-60Good49-40Poor79-70 Very Good 59-50Fair39-0 Very Poor PLPT Biological Index Score and Narrative Rating PLPT Biological Index

13 Recommendations n Use a standard effort for collections –Equipment (Surber) –Replicates (3 reps) n Use a standard effort for identification –Total Counts or a standard subsample size n Having a standard number of organisms (e.g., 200 or 300) would allow for other types of analyses (e.g., RIVPACS) n Collect and record non-biological data –Physical Habitat assessments –Water Chemistry n Even just simple parameters would be good –pH, DO, Conductivity, & Temperature

14 Additional Analyses on the Truckee River - Nevada n BMI biological index development: Tetra Tech - Baltimore, MD (Michael Barbour, Eric Leppo) n Fish biological index development: Oregon State U. (Dr. Robert Hughes, and Thomas Whittier/ Gregg Lomnicky, Dynamac Corporation). n An algae IBI was developed by Desert Research Institute – Reno (Dr. Chris Fritzen and Clint Davis) n Habitat Index development: Tetra Tech - Baltimore, MD (Michael Barbour, Eric Leppo)

15 Physical Habitat/ Bioassessment Sampling Sites n Interstate 80 (I80) n Big Bend (BB) n Wadsworth Bridge (WB) n Abandoned House (AH) n S bar S Ranch (SS) n Dead Ox (DO) n Canyon (CN) n Little Nixon (LNX) n Nixon Bridge (NB) n Lower Nixon (NIX) n Marble Bluff Dam (MBD)


17 LTR Biotic index

18 Physical Habitat ≥ 90% = Comparable to reference 75-88% = Supporting 60-73% = Partially Supporting ≤ 58% = Non-supporting


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