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Think and Tell: What do you see… geometrically speaking?

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1 Think and Tell: What do you see… geometrically speaking?





6 Far Hills, NJ

7 Wayne, NJ

8 Find the perimeter of each figure separately. 20 ft 4 ft 7 ft 4 ft 10 ft 6 ft

9 How much of material would be needed to cover those letters on the house? Hmmmm….

10 Section 1-7: Perimeter, Circumference, & Area Objectives SWBAT: - Find perimeters of regular and irregular polygons. - Find areas of regular and irregular polygons.  Perimeter o Circumference  Area

11 Objective: Finding Perimeter and Area Square Perimeter: P = 4s Area: A = s 2 Rectangle Perimeter: P = 2b + 2h Area: A = bh b = base h = height s = side Circle d = diameter r = radius Circumference: C =  d or C = 2  r Area: A =  r 2

12 Question: What is the difference between perimeter and area? How would an architect or construction worker use these different measurements? Answer: Perimeter is the measure of the distance around an object. Area is the measure of all the space inside an object.

13 Real-World Connection Fencing. Your pool is depicted in the diagram below. You want to build a fence around the deck. How much fencing will you need? Length of pool and deck: 15 + 3 + 3 = 21 feet Width of pool and deck: 20 + 3 + 3 = 26 feet Solve: P = 2L + 2W Formula = 2(21) + 2(26) Substitute = 94 Simplify You will need 94 feet of fencing.

14 Real-World Connection a) What is the area of the pool? b) What is the area of the fenced pool? Area= LxW Pool Area= 15(20)= 300 ft² Fenced Area= 21(26)=546 ft²

15 Real-World and Finding Circumference Biology. In the Pacific Northwest, a red fox has a circular home range with a radius of about 718 meters. What is the area of the home range of a red fox? A =  r 2 Formula A =  (718) 2 Substitute = 1,619,566 Simplify

16 Finding Area of Irregular Figures Find the area of the figure. Separate the figure into rectangles. Use Area of a Rectangle Formula A 1 = 6 ∙ 2 = 12 A 2 = 4 ∙ 2 = 8 A 3 = 2 ∙ 2 = 4 Total Area = 12 + 8 + 4 = 24 cm 2

17 PERIMETER vs. AREA Each square has dimensions of 1 unit by 1 unit


19 Perimeter and Area of the Clubhouse Activity


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