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User’s Needs/Problems Fill out form by tomorrow for your data needs. Make website for regional climate modeling library (at least references). ICTP CD.

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2 User’s Needs/Problems Fill out form by tomorrow for your data needs. Make website for regional climate modeling library (at least references). ICTP CD of articles. Suggest papers. RegCM user group email list Minimum requirements to run the model Put participants projects on public site for them to access from home or burn their data on CDs. Maybe move data to the RAID?

3 Users needs con’t Improvements to documentation –Section on troubleshooting (commons errors). –Benchmark cases Fortran compiler (Intel free compiler). Make version that works with this compiler. Improve code documentation inside code and minimum requirements for new code. ICTP Donation Program. Interface donation. Improve post-processing. Add ctl files, vis-5d, sigmatopressure.f, add diagnostic packages. Provide interfaces for model and CRU comparisons. Possibility of running model here at ICTP available. Maybe other institutes can help.

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