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Annotating your design work What is annotation ? Annotation is when you write short comments to explain your design work, a sort of “ design chatter ”..

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2 Annotating your design work What is annotation ? Annotation is when you write short comments to explain your design work, a sort of “ design chatter ”.. An example of annotation A six pointed design, brim colour to compliment striped fabric, tassels for extra decorative features. Fairly demanding to construct. It is easier to write your comments as you work through your design sheet – as you may forget an important point if you return to it later. Remember you clearly understand what you are drawing and thinking but other people also need to be clear and appreciate your design ideas.

3 Inspiration for outline shape Adding extra brims for further warmth & decorative interest. Outline shape – an unusual shape – different to what is on the market. Adding tassels to give a ethnic look to the hat. Three tassels look really good. Annotating your design work further explanation that could be difficult to draw or take too much time to draw. Your annotation could include comments about: reason for a change in shape e.g. adding a brim, lengthening the hat, adding cones to a dramatic appearance. ease or difficult of manufacture e.g. the diagonal design would difficult to cut on stretchy fabric if the design suited the target group or a design specification point.

4 A dragon style hat with one row of spikes A double row of spikes to give a 3D effect A further half row of spikes – give an even better look Annotating your design work Why annotate your design work. When you are designing it is helpful to write some comments for a number of reasons: you can further explain some of your design thinking. gain a higher SAT level or grade by justifying or explaining your design thinking. it is sometimes quicker to write few words than draw a detailed drawing.

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