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Hearing Conservation Quick Brief. Noise-induced hearing loss is the result of Peace Time Training. How much has peace time training hearing loss cost.

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Presentation on theme: "Hearing Conservation Quick Brief. Noise-induced hearing loss is the result of Peace Time Training. How much has peace time training hearing loss cost."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hearing Conservation Quick Brief

2 Noise-induced hearing loss is the result of Peace Time Training. How much has peace time training hearing loss cost us in the past 20 years?

3 Figure 3. Cost of Hearing Loss for All Veterans (Primary Disability Only) 1977-1997 Total = $4,095,324,768 YEAR MILLIONS $281,747,544 $4,095,324,768

4 Why is Hearing Loss Prevention a significant Combat Readiness Concern? Do you want soldiers to hear the enemy sneaking up on their position at 100 meters or 6 meters?

5 Detection in Meters Price et al. ‘89 (H-1) Riflebolt Closing Normal Voice Footsteps in Leaves 210m 100m 5.5m 180 46m 32m 0.6m Detection of Sound by Hearing Ability Normal Hearing Poor Hearing Poor + TTS (H-1) Profile (H-2) Profile (H-3) Profile Detection distance decreases rapidly as hearing loss increases * TTS - Temporary Threshold Shift *

6 Hearing Loss causes a loss in speech intelligibility or clarity. Words become distorted. What is the effect of distorted speech on shooting the wrong target, e.g., fratricide?

7 Percent of Times Wrong Target Was Shot SPEECH INTELLIGIBILITY SCORE (%) 93.5 73.6 52.1 26.3 7.1 O C U R E N C E S (%)

8 Conclusions The cost of hearing loss for the military now exceeds 4 billion dollars, an expense that is preventable. Hearing loss is a potential (and likely) cause for ‘friendly fire’ incidents and increases risk in all combat environments. Hearing loss causes difficulty in understanding speech and contributes to a poorer quality of life – permanently.

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