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Lakeview Enrollment Presentation Board of Education Meeting September 16, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Lakeview Enrollment Presentation Board of Education Meeting September 16, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lakeview Enrollment Presentation Board of Education Meeting September 16, 2014

2 Lakeview Enrollment History** YearEnrollmentTeaching Staff 2003-042,880178 2004-052,949183 2005-063,039182 2006-072,957187 2007-082,929185 2008-093,118184 2009-103,392191 2010-113,603193 2011-123,845200 2012-133933203 2013-144014205 2014-15*4042*211 * 2014-15 Figures are preliminary figures and have not been audited. Reflects data as of 9/15/14. ** Parochial FTEs are only through 2013-14 and are NOT figured into the 2014/15 totals.

3 History of Schools of Choice Opened for Schools of Choice in 2002-03 at High School Only Open at all three levels beginning in 2003-04 2007-08: Closed at 7 th Grade Only 2008-09: ESOC window remained open until Friday, September 5 th 2009-10: ESOC window closed on Friday, August 21 st 2010-11: ESOC window closed on Friday, August 20 th 2011-12: ESOC window closed on Friday, August 19 th 2012-13: ESOC window closed on Friday, August 18 th 2013-14: ESOC window closed on Friday, August 16 th 2014-15: ESOC window closed on Friday, August 15 th

4 External School of Choice Enrollment History: Elementary** Total Enrollment: Resident & ESOC ESOC Students ESOC= % of Total Enrollment 2004-05114412811% 2005-06118617114% 2006-07115321318% 2007-08114719117% 2008-09120142535% 2009-10129640932% 2010-11139748735% 2011-12150063142% 2012-13157664441% 2013-14164372344% 2014-15*168375945% * 2014-15 Figures are preliminary figures and have not been audited. Reflects data as of 9/15/14. ** External School of Choice numbers include students coming to us for a center based program and employees’ children. **Parochial FTEs are only through 2013-14 and are NOT figured into the 2014/15 totals.

5 External School of Choice Enrollment History: Middle School** Total Enrollment: Resident & ESOC ESOC Students ESOC= % of Total Enrollment 2004-056807110% 2005-066708813% 2006-076909313% 2007-086719915% 2008-0975621729% 2009-1083231738% 2010-1185133840% 2011-1296245848% 2012-1395444447% 2013-1497647849% 2014-15*91846651% * 2014-15 Figures are preliminary figures and have not been audited. Reflects data as of 9/15/14. ** External School of Choice numbers include students coming to us for a center based program and employees’ children. **Parochial FTEs are only through 2013-14 and are NOT figured into the 2014/15 totals.

6 External School of Choice Enrollment History: High School** Total Enrollment: Resident & ESOC ESOC Students ESOC= % of Total Enrollment 2004-05107615915% 2005-06108315514% 2006-07109013612% 2007-08108417016% 2008-09109431128% 2009-10129842933% 2010-11133549137% 2011-12138360844% 2012-13142761543% 2013-14139371051% 2014-15*144173951% * 2014-15 Figures are preliminary figures and have not been audited. Reflects data as of 9/15/14. ** External School of Choice numbers include students coming to us for a center based program and employees’ children. **Parochial FTEs are only through 2013-14 and are NOT figured into the 2014/15 totals.

7 External School of Choice Enrollment History: District** Total Enrollment: Resident & ESOC ESOC Students ESOC= % of Total Enrollment 2004-05294935812% 2005-06303941414% 2006-07295744215% 2007-08292946016% 2008-09314795330% 2009-103426115534% 2010-113603131637% 2011-123845169744% 2012-133957170343% 2013-144014192748% 2014-15*4042196449% * 2014-15 Figures are preliminary figures and have not been audited. Reflects data as of 9/15/14. ** External School of Choice numbers include students coming to us for a center based program and employees’ children. **Parochial FTEs are only through 2013-14 and are NOT figured into the 2014/15 totals.

8 Registration Process  ALL new enrollees MUST present evidence of residency (Macomb)  Registration for ALL new students occurs at the Administration Office  Resident students are permitted to register and be enrolled at any time during the summer or school year  Schools of Choice students must apply for admission to Lakeview during the designated window. (Determined by the district in accordance with state law)

9 Registration Process  Background checks are conducted by the Assistant Superintendent and building administrators on the schools of choice (ESOC) applicants  Academic assessments are given to all incoming new students in grades K-12 (Kdg Snapshots began in 2010 with Placement Testing on students in grades 1-12, implemented in 2011)  ESOC applicants are notified of their acceptance status after initial background check is complete  Individuals with clean background checks are given the “OK” to complete the registration process  Parents/Guardians utilize Info Snap (an online registration program) to complete electronic copies of registration papers  Once the registration packet is completed, the student is placed at a building and if a secondary student, works with building staff to choose their classes

10 When Did Most People Register? 694 Registration Packets Completed (833 students-active in enrollment process for 2014-15 with 673 actually attending in September.) March AprilMayJuneJuly Aug Sept 36 38 4077115 333 55 * Resident students are still currently registering.

11 Where do Students Reside? *Reflects the students new to Lakeview for 2014-15. Includes resident and schools of choice students and is inclusive of data as of 9/15/14. Lakeview resident zip codes include parts of 48080 and 48081. Students from any zip code outside of Macomb County are employee’s children that are permitted to attend in accordance with law and Board policy. *20 Different Zip Codes Represented 480155 48021127 480356 480367 480431 480441 480455 48066114 480711 48080192 48081281 4808214 480882 4808917 480916 480923 480932 482051 483131 483172 Zip Code Number of Students

12 Special Education Services Summary ESOC # of Students Receiving Special Education Services Resident # of Students Receiving Special Education Services Total # of Students Receiving Special Education Services Elementary61 (40%)91 (60%)152 Middle School36 (42%)49 (58%)85 High School Parochial 51 (38%) N/A 82(62%) 8 (100%) 133 8 District148 (39%)230 (61%)378 (9% of total population) * ESOC numbers include students who are placed in our center based programs- Hearing Impaired and Cognitively Impaired * 2014-15 Figures are preliminary figures and have not been audited. **Reflects data as of 9/15/14.

13 Free & Reduced Lunch Summary** ESOC Free & Reduced Lunch Resident Free & Reduced Lunch Total Free & Reduced Lunch Elementary334285619 Middle216118399 High School296242538 District846*710*1556* (39% of students) *2014-15 Figures are preliminary figures and have not been audited. **Reflects data as of 9/15/14. *** Does not include students enrolled in the preschool programs.

14 Ethnic Distribution: District Ethnic CodesESOCResidentTotal American Indian or Alaska Native 8 (40%) 12 (60%) 20 Asian American11 (29%) 27 (71%) 38 Black or African American273 (73%) 103 (27%) 376 Hispanic or Latino39 (46%) 46 (54%) 85 White1533 (46%) 1769 (54%) 3302 Multiple Ethnicities96 (61%) 61 (39%) 157 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 3 (43%) 4 (57%) 7 TOTAL1963 (49%) 2022 (51%) 3985 %= Percentage of students in that ethnic code *2014-15 Figures are preliminary figures and have not been audited. **Reflects data as of 9/15/14.

15 District Population: Ethnicity Ethnic CodesESOCResidentTotal Number % of Total Population Number % of Total Population Number % of Total Population (3985) American Indian or Alaska Native 8 <1% 12 1% 20 <1% Asian American 11 <1% 27 1% 38 <1% Black or African American 273 7% 103 3% 376 9% Hispanic or Latino 39 1% 46 1% 85 2% White 1533 38% 1769 44% 3302 83% Multiple Ethnicities 96 2% 61 2% 157 4% Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 3 <1% 4 <1% 7 <1% %= Percentage of the total student population. *2014-15 Figures are preliminary figures and have not been audited. **Reflects data as of 9/15/14. ***Does not include students enrolled in preschool programs.

16 Questions and/or Comments Tracy L. Van Peeren Assistant Superintendent 445-4000 ext. 2503

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