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The End of WWII. The End on the Western Front ► Yalta Conference- Big 3 (FDR, Churchill, Stalin) ► Decided Germany would be divided into 4 zones ► Nuremberg.

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Presentation on theme: "The End of WWII. The End on the Western Front ► Yalta Conference- Big 3 (FDR, Churchill, Stalin) ► Decided Germany would be divided into 4 zones ► Nuremberg."— Presentation transcript:

1 The End of WWII

2 The End on the Western Front ► Yalta Conference- Big 3 (FDR, Churchill, Stalin) ► Decided Germany would be divided into 4 zones ► Nuremberg Trials- 24 Nazi leaders charged w/ crimes against humanity, against peace, war crimes ► 12 sentenced to death, others to prison




6 War in the Pacific ► Japanese established empire much larger than Hitler’s, spread thruout islands ► Douglas MacArthur led Allied forces in Philippines ► June 3, 1942- Battle of Midway- Japanese lost 4 aircraft carriers, a cruiser, 250 planes ► Huge turning point ► Allies began island hopping- winning back territory island by island

7 ► Iwo Jima- most heavily defended spot on earth ► 20,700 Japanese troops ► 6,000 marines died taking island ► Only 200 Japanese survived

8 The Manhattan Project ► Led by Robert J. Oppenheimer ► Over 600,000 Americans involved in secret development of Atomic Bomb ► Even Truman didn’t know until he became Pres.

9 The Ultimate Ultimatum ► US warned Japan that it faced “prompt and utter destruction” unless surrendered, which it refused to do ► Aug. 6, 1945- Enola Gay dropped atomic bomb named Little Boy over Hiroshima ► Almost every building in city collapsed into dust

10 ► The shadow of the parapets are imprinted on the surface of the bridge, 2,890 feet (880 meters) south-south-west of the hypocenter. These shadows give a clue as to the exact location of the hypocenter.

11 ► 3 days later Fat Man dropped on Nagasaki ► By end of year- 200,000 ppl dead b/c of injuries and radiation

12 ► The smoke stacks of the sprawling Mitsubishi Steel and Armament Works. This plant was located about 2,500 feet (760 meters) downriver from ground zero.

13 ► The burns are in a pattern corresponding to the dark portions of the kimono she was wearing at the time of the explosion.

14 ► A strap of her bag saves part of her skin from the keloids or tumor-like growths of scar tissue.

15 ► Keloids form on the legs of a solider exposed to the radiation 2,950 feet (900 meters) from the hypocenter.

16 ► This solider's left side is affected by the thermal radiation. He was about 650 feet (200 meters) from the hypocenter at Hiroshima. Note the line where his cap protected his skin from the thermal effects.

17 ► Severe keloids, or scarring, caused by thermal radiation.



20 Charred remains of a person who was 800 yards from ground zero. This is a result of the thermal waves.


22 Hiroshima survivors have hypertrophic scar. Think, rubbery, overgrowth of protective skin tissue. Developed in people who had deep flash burns.


24 Wristwatch frozen in time the moment the bomb exploded on Hiroshima (8:16 a.m.)

25 Fire storm the covered city blocks.

26 Shadows burned into a wooden observation tower. This is outlined in chalk by investigators. An air- raid observer had hung up his sword and was taking off his jacket when the bomb exploded.





31 ► “I think it was necessary to drop one, but the second one could have easily been avoided. I think Japan would have capitulated anyway.” -Hans Bethe, physicist

32 V-J DAY September 2, 1945 Japan agrees to unconditional surrender Takes place on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Harbor Allowed to keep Emperor in name only…NO POWER!!!








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