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The Natural Capital/Ecosystem Capital Accounting (ECA) project for Mauritius The making of SEEA-ECA Mauritius: creation of the land cover map & account.

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Presentation on theme: "The Natural Capital/Ecosystem Capital Accounting (ECA) project for Mauritius The making of SEEA-ECA Mauritius: creation of the land cover map & account."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Natural Capital/Ecosystem Capital Accounting (ECA) project for Mauritius The making of SEEA-ECA Mauritius: creation of the land cover map & account and of main layers on biomass/carbon and water Jean-Louis WEBER Consultant European Environment Agency Scientific Committee Honorary Professor, School of Geography, University of Nottingham

2 Contents Ecosystem Capital Accounts (ECA) for Mauritus are been developed under the aegis of the UN System of Economic-Environmental Accounts (SEEA) The first results of the Natural Capital/Ecosystem Capital Accounting (ECA) for Mauritius project include: The Land Cover map produced from the data supplied by several institutional and scientific partners, The land cover accounts for urban areas 2000 and 2010 and urban sprawl The first elements of the biomass/carbon account The first elements for spatialising the water account produced at the country level

3 The Land Cover map and account Rasterisation of all existing maps related to land use, with SAGA Gis Smoothing of the various rasters to eliminate very small inclusions within large areas and to agglomerate dust of very small objects (e.g. buildings or upland marshlands…) into land cover units. Selection of threshold values for zoning each thème. Mosaicking of the various layers in order to compose the map. The largest layers are taken firstly, the smallest on top… The existence of a buildings layer for circa 2000 makes possible first land cover accounts of urban stocks and sprawl. The 2000 shapefile has been processed in the same way as the 2010 one (ratersisation and smoothing), making them comparable.

4 Mosaicking of the land cover map




8 The SEEA-ECA Land Cover map v.1 2010 of Mauritius

9 Land Cover / M01 Urban 2000 ~2000

10 Land Cover / M01 Urban 2010 2010

11 Land Cover change / M01 Urban 2000 - 2010 Urban sprawl ~2000 to 2010

12 Land Cover stock and change / M01 Urban

13 ~2000 2010

14 Urban density (%) by Districts 2000

15 Urban density (%) by Districts 2010

16 Urban density (%) by Districts / Increase 2000-2010


18 A first account of Land Cover change/ Urban sprawl 2000-2010 by districts

19 A firs account of Land Cover change/ Urban sprawl 2000-2010

20 M01-Urban 2010 by river catchments

21 Mauritius’ river catchments and sub-catchments used for ECA

22 M09 – FoodCrops area 2010 by VCA (%)

23 M06 - Sugar cane area total by VCA (%) 2010

24 The biomass/carbon account

25 NPP 2000 estimation from MODIS Processing: Emil Ivanov & Jean-Louis Weber, September 2013 ~2000

26 NPP 2010 estimation from MODIS 2010 Processing: Emil Ivanov & Jean-Louis Weber, September 2013

27 Change in NPP 2000  2010 (strong negative impact of urban sprawl) Processing: Emil Ivanov & Jean-Louis Weber, September 2013 Change in NPP ~2000 to 2010

28 NPP 2000 estimation by river catchment Processing: Emil Ivanov & Jean-Louis Weber, September 2013

29 NPP 2010 estimation by river catchment Processing: Emil Ivanov & Jean-Louis Weber, September 2013

30 Change in NPP 2000 by river catchments Processing: Emil Ivanov & Jean-Louis Weber, September 2013 Change in NPP ~2000 to 2010

31 Wood biomass 2000 from MODIS VCF and FAO FRA2000/2010 Processing: Emil Ivanov, September 2013

32 Wood biomass 2010 from MODIS VCF and FAO FRA2000/2010 Processing: Emil Ivanov & Jean-Louis Weber, September 2013

33 Wood biomass 2000 by river catchments Processing: Emil Ivanov & Jean-Louis Weber, September 2013

34 Wood biomass 2000 by river catchments Processing: Emil Ivanov & Jean-Louis Weber, September 2013

35 Soil – Orstom 1984 : proportion of rock in soil

36 Soil FAO Soilbase – soil carbon content Processing: Emil Ivanov, September 2013

37 Estimation of topsoil carbon content (kg per ha) Processing: Emil Ivanov & Jean-Louis Weber, September 2013

38 Estimation of topsoil carbon content by catchments (kg per ha) Processing: Emil Ivanov & Jean-Louis Weber, September 2013

39 The water account

40 Isohyets: the average rainfall (mm) over 30 years, used to redistribute annual aggregated statisitics

41 Average rainfall (30 years) by river catchments

42 Evapotranspiration 2000 – from MODIS product 16A3 (annual)

43 Evapotranspiration 2010 – from MODIS product 16A3 (annual)

44 Evapotranspiration 2000 by river sub-catchments

45 Evapotranspiration 2010 by river sub-catchments

46 Digital maps are the visualisation of statistical tables and datasets

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