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+ Working with Collaborations. + What are collaborations? Collaborations in your OpenClass course site are collections of documents shared by a group.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Working with Collaborations. + What are collaborations? Collaborations in your OpenClass course site are collections of documents shared by a group."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Working with Collaborations

2 + What are collaborations? Collaborations in your OpenClass course site are collections of documents shared by a group of people for review and commenting. They are located under “Collaborative Review/Editing.” In this example, the collaboration is called “Test Documents for Review.”

3 + Using collaborations When you click “Show Details” you will see who shares the documents and what documents are shared.

4 + Using collaborations: Continued If you click on a document name, you will be taken to that document in your Google Drive.

5 + Using collaborations: Continued This is how an open document looks if it was an uploaded file rather than being created in Google Docs. We need to change it to a Google Doc in order to fully use commenting features.

6 + Using collaborations: Continued Under “File” choose “Export to Google document.” Note that if you create your documents within Google docs, you won’t need to do the next few steps.

7 + Using collaborations: Continued Hover your cursor to the left of the document name to see an option to go to your Google Drive. In your Google Drive, you will see the Google doc you just created. However, it is not in your shared collaboration folder. Just drag it into the shared folder.

8 + Using collaborations: Continued Notice that both versions of the document are still in the folder. The different icons show you which one is the original (a W) and which one is the Google doc (a square “paper” icon).

9 + Using collaborations: Continued Just delete the document you don’t need any longer.

10 + Using collaborations: Continued To comment on a document, first select the text you want to comment on.

11 + Using collaborations: Continued With the text still selected, choose “Insert” and then “Comment.”

12 + Using collaborations: Continued A window pops up where you can type your comment.

13 + Using collaborations: Continued Type your comment and press “Comment.”

14 + Using collaborations: Continued Your comment now appears to the side of the text you have commented on. The comments from other group members will appear also.

15 + Using collaborations: Continued You can also view comments in more of a chat view by clicking “Comments” in the upper right of the screen. You can add general comments here that are not tied to particular text.

16 + Using collaborations: Continued When in the OpenClass course site, you can always get back to your Google Drive and docs by clicking the blue notepaper icon.

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