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Nandisc Pete Siemsen for NCAB 11/20/2002. The problem HP OpenView displays Layer 3, not Layer 2 UCAR network is Layer 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Nandisc Pete Siemsen for NCAB 11/20/2002. The problem HP OpenView displays Layer 3, not Layer 2 UCAR network is Layer 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nandisc Pete Siemsen for NCAB 11/20/2002

2 The problem HP OpenView displays Layer 3, not Layer 2 UCAR network is Layer 2


4 Layer 2 map ml-mr-c1-gsml-mr-c2-gsFl2-3095-c1-gsml-16c-c1-gsml-47-c1-gs ml-50-c1-gs cg2-mr-c1-gs Fl4-2060—c1-gs Fl1-2037a-c1-esuv-18-c1-escg1-2010-c1-escg1-3036-c1-gscg1-3010-c1-es

5 Symptoms When a switch goes down, OpenView shows unconnect objects in red, but the objects aren't connected to the switch Graphic display doesn't make sense Hard to see the source of a problem

6 Proposal Write code to discover networks at multiple layers and display them Use Common Information Model Use Java Consider OpenNMS

7 CIM Common Information Model – Defines standard objects for IP addresses, IP subnets, routers, cables, people, LAN segments, etc. See

8 Java because CIM is object-oriented Nandisc GUI might run in a browser

9 OpenNMS Open source Java Currently has weak discovery Perhaps OpenNMS could use Nandisc discovery Running code Uses PostGreSQL Does SNMP

10 How's it going? I’ve learned a lot about Java and OOD I have a multithreaded Nandisc program with a Swing interface that uses CIM objects and does a little SNMP

11 Unfinished Make the Nandisc program do more SNMP and populate more CIM objects Display the CIM mesh somehow Integrate/replace NETS Port Lists, NND Integrate with OpenView

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