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Regions of Germany. German History Events that unified or fragmented the area of Germany.

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1 Regions of Germany




5 German History Events that unified or fragmented the area of Germany

6 Charlemagne-800 Charlemagne's empire united the Christian lands of western Europe and firmly established the power of the Catholic church.

7 Protestant Reformation-1517 Christians are saved not through their own efforts but by the gift of God's grace, which they accept in faith. Luther became a public and controversial figure when he published (October 31, 1517) his Ninety-Five Theses, Latin propositions opposing the manner in which indulgences (release from the temporal penalties for sin through the payment of money) were being sold in order to raise money for the building of Saint Peter's in Rome. Possible cause of 30 Years War (1618-1648)

8 Franco Prussian War-1870-71 Prince Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck, a Prussian statesman, united the German states into one empire. Bismarck is noted for saying that the great problems of Germany would not be settled by speeches and resolutions but by “blood and iron.” First chancellor of the German Empire


10 Germany loses WWI--1918 Germany has to accept “War guilt clause” to reduce its army to 100,000 to limit its navy to 24 ships 13 percent of its European domain including Alsace-Lorraine reparations payments to allies for their losses RESULTS in Massive inflation



13 Rise of Adolf Hitler-1920s & 30s After his release from prison in December 1924, Hitler rebuilt the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi Party) and waited for the opportunity to regain national influence. That opportunity came with the Great Depression of 1929. He promised jobs to the unemployed and a return to national prosperity. The elections of 1930 restored him to power, and he quickly established himself as dictator..

14 Germany loses WWII--1945 Germany is split into 4 sectors (American, British, French, & Soviet)--this includes the capital of East Berlin

15 Berlin Wall-1961






21 The Berlin Wall may be physically disappearing-but some things last longer than mere bricks and mortar. Town planning, for instance, as Colonel Chris Hadfield demonstrated when he took this picture of Berlin from the International Space Station.

22 Ampelmännchen

23 Reunification--1990

24 Economic Characteristics

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