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You can type your own categories and points values in this game board. Type your questions and answers in the slides we’ve provided. When you’re in slide.

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Presentation on theme: "You can type your own categories and points values in this game board. Type your questions and answers in the slides we’ve provided. When you’re in slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 You can type your own categories and points values in this game board. Type your questions and answers in the slides we’ve provided. When you’re in slide show view, click a dark box to go to that question, then click the large letter A graphic to reveal the answer. Click the triangle to return to this game board slide. Cell Size and Structure 10 20 30 40 50 Organelles 10 20 30 40 50 Plant Vs. Animal 10 20 30 40 50 Cell History 10 20 30 40 50 Cell Diversity 10 20 30 40 50

2 Category 1 questions follow

3 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 1 question for 10 points: Cell division (cell reproduction) uses centrioles, which is what type of cytoskeletal fiber? 10 point answer: microtubule 10 Category 1

4 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 1 question for 20 points: Cells are measured with microns or micrometers, how many micrometers are there in a meter? 20 point answer: 1,000,000 20 Category 1

5 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 1 question for 30 points: As cells get larger, the surface area to volume ratio gets (larger or smaller)? 30 point answer: smaller 30 Category 1

6 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 1 question for 40 points: kinesine and dynein are associated with which cytoskeletal fiber 40 point answer: microtubules 40 Category 1

7 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 1 question for 50 points: Calculate the SA to V ratio of a cube with the side of 3 mm. 50 point answer: 54/27=2/1 50 Category 1

8 Category 2 questions follow

9 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 2 question for 10 points: Which organic molecule makes up the plasma membrane? 10 point answer: phospholipids in a bi-layer 10 Category 2

10 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 2 question for 20 points: Thylakoid and cristae are parts of which two organelles? 20 point answer: chloroplast and mitochondria 20 Category 2

11 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 2 question for 30 points: Plants can store pigments and toxins in these. 30 point answer: vacuoles 30 Category 2

12 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 2 question for 40 points: A cell that does not contain ribosomes cannot make _____ 40 point answer: proteins 40 Category 2

13 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 2 question for 50 points: What are the 3 types of cytoskeleton? 50 point answer: microtubules, intermediate filaments, microfilaments 50 Category 2

14 Category 3 questions follow

15 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 3 question for 10 points: Besides being a place for protein and lipid synthesis, the Endoplasmic Reticulum can also: 10 point answer: Detoxify the cell 10 Category 3

16 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 3 question for 20 points: True or False: Peroxisomes are found in both plant and animal cells? What do peroxisomes, turn peroxide into? 20 point answer: True, water & oxygen 20 Category 3

17 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 3 question for 30 points: Since all living organisms require energy, do all living organisms possess mitochondria? 30 point answer: no, prokaryotic cells do not have mitochondria, they make energy using other methods. 30 Category 3

18 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 3 question for 40 points: A genetic disease called Tay Sachs, in which the cells cannot rid itself of toxins and fats, would have problems with this organelle. 40 point answer: lysosomes 40 Category 3

19 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 3 question for 50 points: This double membrane organelle contains the codes to produce proteins. 50 point answer: nucleus 50 Category 3

20 Category 4 questions follow

21 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 4 question for 10 points: The first cells observed were done by ______________. He observed ____________ cells. 10 point answer: Hooke, Cork 10 Category 4

22 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 4 question for 20 points: Leeuwenhoek observed tiny microorganisms that he named _____________ 20 point answer: animalcules 20 Category 4

23 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 4 question for 30 points: In Leeuwenhoek’s observations, he saw tiny microorganisms that could move. What are 2 types of cytoskeletal filaments used for motion? 30 point answer: microtubules make up Cilia and Flagella 30 Category 4

24 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 4 question for 40 points: Name the 3 scientists that contributed to the cell theory 40 point answer: Shleidan, Schwann and Virchow 40 Category 4

25 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 4 question for 50 points: What are the 3 statements in the cell theory? 50 point answer: 1-the cell is the basic unit of life, 2-living organisms are made of 1 or more cells, 3-cells come from pre- existing cells 50 Category 4

26 Category 5 questions follow

27 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 5 question for 10 points: Cells are different shapes, because they have different_____________ 10 point answer: functions 10 Category 5

28 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 5 question for 20 points: Theory that larger cells engulfed smaller cells forming eukaryotic cells. 20 point answer: endosymbiotic theory 20 Category 5

29 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 5 question for 30 points: True or False: Prokaryotic cells do not contain any genetic material such as DNA or RNA 30 point answer: False, they have DNA, just no membrane around it to make a true nucleus 30 Category 5

30 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 5 question for 40 points: A good antibiotic (bacterial killer) would target which specific part of a bacterial cell without harming our cells. 40 point answer: cell wall, peptidoglycan 40 Category 5

31 Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the category and points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the right triangle to reveal the answer. Click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Category 5 question for 50 points: An observed single celled organism has a contractile vacuole, a macro and micro nucleus and a cell membrane. Is it a prokaryotic or eukaryotic cell? 50 point answer: Eukaryotic 50 Category 5

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