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Moulin Rouge and A desperate deed

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1 Moulin Rouge and A desperate deed

2 A desperate deed Film techniques:
In the beginning of the short film there is a close up of the cars that are in the front yard showing the audience of the condition that both of the cars are in. the close up of tape holding up the headlights might symbolise to the audience that they might not have a lot or aren’t as well off as others might be. This might also hint to the audience what type of crime may be committed and why he might have committed that crime.

3 Example 2 film techniques:
In a desperate deed directed by Matt Bird there are a range of techniques that explain to the audience what happens and describe the feelings and thoughts of the characters throughout the film. In this image there is a close up of the weapons in the back of the car, symbolising to the audience assume that he is about to not only do something illegal ,and manipulates the audience to believe he is about to kill someone but in reality he only takes a Christmas tree. This is shown through not only the weapons but the tarp covering the boot.

4 Example 3 Film techniques:
The extreme close up of the protagonist shows that he is worried and his surroundings send a hint to the audience of the crime he might commit ,such as the air freshener hanging on his review mirror. When watching the short film the radio states how many people who might struggle during the seasonal holidays as they might not have much, which might also hint to the audience of the crime he might commit.

5 Example 4 Film techniques:
The full shot of the character but to the audience the target

6 Example 5 Film techniques:

7 Moulin rouge Film techniques:





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