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Using the LEAD Portal to submit a Regional WRF run to the Teragrid July 13, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the LEAD Portal to submit a Regional WRF run to the Teragrid July 13, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the LEAD Portal to submit a Regional WRF run to the Teragrid July 13, 2006

2 Outline/Agenda Brief Introduction to the Portal Logging into the Portal Searching for and Visualizing Data Using the Portal to Perform a Forecast –Creating the Experiment –Submitting and Monitoring the job* * Viewing the result will occur in the final session this afternoon.

3 Logging Into the Portal Start Firefox on your desktop system Log in: –etrain1 – etrain 25 (Blue Group) –etrain26 – etrain 50 (Green Group) –Password: Un1data!

4 Portal Before Login


6 After Login

7 Searching for Data in the LEAD Resource Catalog

8 Searching for Data using the Geo-Gui Search will find datasets that completely contain the time range

9 Results from Search Results will pop up in a new browser window

10 Results from Search Initial and Boundary conditions will come from most recent NAM Data List the specific Files available Visualize the Data with IDV (use first in list)

11 Viewing NAM in IDV

12 Data Sources will be automatically populated with the dataset you choose

13 Viewing NAM in IDV By clicking on Magnifying Glass by Fields, you can search for field name you’d like to use to help determine domain for your regional WRF run Select your display and time range (use the range that your forecast length will be to see what boundary conditions will be like).

14 Viewing NAM in IDV Identify the location that You find worthy of a Regional scale WRF run

15 Back to Portal to set up the WRF run Use the Experiment Builder to create a new experiment

16 Setting up the WRF Run Create a new Project and then a new Experiment within that project

17 Setting up the WRF Run Name and Describe your experiment (single WRF run) and select the static (i.e. no change in behavior based on intermediate results) workflow Workflow diagram Is displayed in lower Portion of portal

18 Setting up WRF Run As we’re dealing with A static workflow There is no config- Uration of elements (shown is the ADAS Initialization using Only NAM data.) this gives a sense of what will happen but basically we just click on next at this point.

19 Setting up WRF Run This workflow uses The ADAS data Generated at CAPS For initial conditions

20 Setting up WRF Run We’ll perform a 5km (120x120 grid points) resolution regional WRF job with 12 hour length (hourly output) and center our domain over Ohio (single click moves domain) where we saw lots of precip in the NAM data. Then we’ll move on.

21 Setting up WRF Run Most recently available NAM Data will be auto selected by the workflow for you to use. If you want to start earlier in time then you unclick these and select appropriate files from earlier NAM run. Finally, scroll to bottom of the page and select the next> command button.

22 Setting up WRF Run (ADAS init) For ADAS initialization workflow, select ADAS data that corresponds to start time of NAM

23 Monitoring the WRF Run Monitoring of workflow is Done using the workflow composer in monitoring mode – New application via webstart

24 Monitoring the WRF Run Xbaya Workflow Composer shows Workflow to be run – status will be indicated by color of nodes (yellow= not run, Green=running, grey=done) and in the Notification window.

25 Launch the WRF Run Send it off! The Workflow will now execute on the Teragrid

26 Monitor the WRF Run (from XBaya Workflow Composer)

27 Monitor the WRF Run (from Portal) Click on hyperlink

28 Monitor the WRF Run (from Portal) Same status messages as seen in the XBaya interface.

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