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Inclusion Day Steering Committee Meeting July 5 th and 6 th Hilton Garden Inn Innsbrook Glen Allen, VA.

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Presentation on theme: "Inclusion Day Steering Committee Meeting July 5 th and 6 th Hilton Garden Inn Innsbrook Glen Allen, VA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inclusion Day Steering Committee Meeting July 5 th and 6 th Hilton Garden Inn Innsbrook Glen Allen, VA


3 and Introductions and Introductions Jack Brandt Dana Yarbrough

4 What does an Inclusion Day look like? Jack and Dana Jack and Dana

5 Inclusion Day Inclusion Day will emphasize inclusive communities where we all play, work, and learn together and will occur during October when schools are already hosting a variety of Disability History and Awareness Month (DHAM) activities The overall goal of Inclusion Day is to increase awareness so people can begin to become sensitive to people with disabilities, thus decreasing incidents of bullying

6 Awareness Awareness is a state of being aware, having knowledge or being informed Example: Johnny noticed that Suzy turns red and stomps out of the room when the teacher asked her to read aloud Johnny knows that Suzy cannot read; therefore, he is aware of why Suzy left the room

7 Sensitivity Awareness of the needs and emotions of others Example: In the previous example, Johnny showed that he was aware that Suzy left the room. Johnny told the teacher in private why Suzy left the room This shows that Johnny is sensitive of Suzy’s emotions

8 Meaning For the next 10 minutes answer this question: Imagine it is October 2014 and XYZ school division is hosting Inclusion Day. What does the term Inclusion Day mean to you? Write one idea on each post it note and stick it on the paper with the word “Meaning”

9 Describe For the next 10 minutes answer this question: Imagine it is October 2014 and XYZ school division is hosting Inclusion Day. What activities would you like to see? Write one idea on each post it notes and stick it on the paper with the word “Describe”

10 What do you experience? For the next 10 minutes answer this question: Imagine it is October 2014 and XYZ school division is hosting Inclusion Day. What messages are being posted or discussed about Inclusion Day? Write one idea on each post it note and stick it on the paper with the words “What do you experience?”

11 Inside and Outside For the next 10 minutes answer this question: Imagine it is October 2014 and XYZ school division is hosting Inclusion Day. What is happening inside and outside of the school? Write one idea on each post it note and stick it on the paper with the words “Inside and Outside”

12 Now …. We have answered the four questions Let’s see if we have any common ideas

13 30 Minutes

14 Inclusion Day Presentation Cameron Wilmer, Annie Downing, Matthew Shapiro

15 Review and Adjourn



18 Introductions and Recap Dana and Jack

19 Responsibilities and Roles of the Steering Committee Jack and Dana

20 Roles 8 youth representing the superintendent regions in Virginia Provide advice and guidance to the Inclusion Day Guide Educator Provide a perspective from a classroom Administrator Provide a perspective from running a school Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Provide communication to the local school divisions about Inclusion Day and offer technical assistance

21 Roles Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD) Provide information and technical assistance Partnership for People with Disabilities Provide best practices, training, and technical assistance Staff support Partnership for People with Disabilities will provide staff support for the Inclusion Day project Work groups There will be work groups based on the sections of the Guide

22 Responsibilities Steering Committee Participate in approximately 5 meetings over 3 years Provide advice on the overall outcome of the project Provide advice and direction for the Inclusion Day guide Identify resources Review and comment on the drafts of the guide Assist with selection of pilot sites and the implementation of the pilot Develop ideas for sustainability of “Inclusion Day”

23 Responsibilities Partnership for People with Disabilities Communicate with VDOE and steering committee Convene meetings of steering committee, work group and VDOE Find resources for the steering committee Write the draft of the “Inclusion Day” guide from steering committee input Coordinate the promotional videos for Inclusion Day Coordinate and evaluate the Inclusion Day pilots Distribute the Inclusion Day Guide to local education agencies Develop a final sustainability plan


25 Quiz Who will write the “Inclusion Day” final guide? Who communicates between the steering committee and VDOE? Who reviews the guide? Who develops the ideas for sustainability? Who completes sections of the guide? Who convenes the steering committee meetings? Who distributes the Inclusion Day Guide to the local education agencies?

26 10 Minute Break

27 Review Work Plan

28 Work Plan - Phase 1

29 30 Minutes

30 Outline Guide

31 Beginning Yesterday we brainstormed what Inclusion Day means to the group and what activities should be conducted during the day Today we are going to develop categories for the Inclusion Day guide Remember the guide is for schools and communities to use to increase disability awareness The evaluator will give the steering committee information about disability sensitivity and awareness to help form the outline

32 Elements for the Guide Guides instructs someone how to do a task or a activity Some elements of guides are: Introduction/Background Materials that are needed Instructions Depending on the guide, there might be more elements

33 Outlining the Guide Lets brainstorm some sections of the guide based on our discussions yesterday Dana is going to write down your ideas about the outline of the guide

34 Form Work Groups Jack, All

35 Work Groups Based on the outline what tasks needs to be accomplished? Can we group the tasks together? Can we form work groups to accomplish these tasks?

36 Next Steps

37 We are going to send out: The meeting minutes to the steering committee The revised work plan Outline of the Inclusion Day guide Work groups We are going to send out an email to schedule the work group meetings Please remember to sign your travel forms and W-9’s

38 Review and Adjourn

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