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The Roman Republic By: Mr. Strezo as Alex Trebek.

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2 The Roman Republic By: Mr. Strezo as Alex Trebek

3 100 200 300 400 300 400 300 Important Figures GeographyDefinitions Final Jeopardy Question Final Jeopardy Question The Roman Army 500 100 200 300 400 500 Roman Government Other Facts

4 back Geography ($100) What shape does the peninsula of Italy make (What does it look like)? A High Heel Boot

5 back Geography ($200) Geography ($200) What river did the city of Rome begin on? The Tiber River

6 back Geography ($300) What are the two major mountain ranges that run through Italy? The Alps and the Apennine Mountains

7 back Geography ($400) What island south of Italy did the Romans and the Carthaginians fight over during the Punic Wars? Sicily

8 back Geography ($500) What volcano erupted destroying the town of Pompeii in A.D. 79 ? Mount Vesuvius

9 back Definitions ($100) What is a Plebeian? A commoner of Rome, a poor person.

10 back Definitions ($200) What is an aqueduct? A raised channel used to carry water from mountains into cities..

11 back Definition ($300) What is a Republic? A form of government in which the citizens vote on the ruler and the leader is not a king or queen.

12 back Definitions ($400) What is the Roman Forum and what happened there? A public meeting place where people would talk about news, discuss politics, shop, and read laws.

13 back Definitions ($500) What are consuls? How many are there? How long do they serve? Officials who managed the army and government. There are 2 of them They serve for 1 year.

14 back Important Figures ($100) Who is considered the founder of Rome? (Only one person) Romulus, after he kills his brother Remus.

15 back Important Figures ($200) Which General crossed the Rubicon River with his army even though he was told not to by the senate? Julius Caesar

16 back What general fought in the Second Punic War and lost at the battle of Zama? Hannibal Important Figures ($300)

17 back Important Figures ($400) Who is considered the First emperor of Rome? Octavian or Augustus

18 back Important Figures ($500) Who are the members of the 1 st triumvirate? Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar

19 back Roman Government ($100) Roman Monarchy was replaced by what form of government? The Republic

20 back Roman Government ($200) What does SPQR stand for? Senatus Populusque Romanus The Senate and People of Rome!

21 back Roman Government ($300) What are the 12 Tables and why were they so important? The 12 Tables are Roman law. They are important because they were the first laws written down in Rome.

22 back Roman Government ($400) Who was appointed to protect the ordinary people (plebeians) against unfair treatment? The Tribunes

23 back Roman Government ($500) How long did the senate serve in the government? Unlimited- They served until they died or stepped down.

24 back The Roman Army ($100) Who declared himself dictator for life beginning the end of the Roman Republic? Julius Caesar.

25 back The Roman Army ($200) What was the name of the fighting formation used by the Roman Army to protect themselves against projectiles such as arrows and javelins? The Tortoise formation.

26 back The Roman Army ($300) Out of three Punic Wars, how many did Rome win? All three

27 back The Roman Army ($400) The Roman Republic. It was the beginning of the Roman Empire. With the help from his army as back-up, the Rule of Augustus ended which form of government?

28 back The Roman Army ($500) How did going from civilian soldiers to professional soldiers change Rome? Soldiers were much better trained. Soldiers earned money and land from their generals. Soldiers felt more allegiance towards generals than to the Roman Republic.

29 back Other Facts ($100) What happened on the “Ides of March?” Caesar was assassinated! March 15 th 44 B.C.

30 back Other Facts ($200) What civilization did the Romans borrow their religious beliefs from? The Greeks

31 back Other Facts ($300) What was the purpose of the Roman Roads? To allow the army to move throughout the empire quick and easily.

32 back Other Facts ($400) What was the Struggle of the Orders? What are two results from it (what did the Plebs get?) The conflict between Patricians and Plebeians where they fought for power and rights within the government. As a result the Tribunes were created, and the Law of Unjust Debt removed.

33 back Other Facts ($500) What does Veni Vidi Vici mean? (Julius Caesar would say this after conquering territories.) I Came I Saw I Conquered

34 back Final Jeopardy Question Why did the senate murder Julius Caesar? What did they hope would happen when he died?

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