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EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement RI-261611 Security Token Service (STS) Transforming the Existing User Credentials.

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Presentation on theme: "EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement RI-261611 Security Token Service (STS) Transforming the Existing User Credentials."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement RI-261611 Security Token Service (STS) Transforming the Existing User Credentials For the Grid Henri Mikkonen, Helsinki Institute of Physics EGI Technical Forum 2012 (AAI Workshop) 19.9.2012, Prague, Czech Republic

2 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 Security Token? – WS-Security: A collection of statements (claims) about a user or resource Any digital identity that can be attached into a SOAP message: X.509, SAML assertion, Kerberos ticket, … Security Token Service? – WS-Trust: A Web service used to issue, renew, validate and cancel security tokens Establishes a trust relationship between different application / security domains Terminology 19/09/2012Henri Mikkonen @ EGI Technical Forum 20122

3 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 SAML token -> X.509 token 19/09/2012Henri Mikkonen @ EGI Technical Forum 20123 STS CA SAML assertion -token Requests a certificate Issues a certificate STS Client Tool Username, Password, Home Institute Home Institute Username, Password SAML assertion X.509 & Private key to the filesystem X.509 certificate -token (public key + proof)

4 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 SAML token -> X.509 token 19/09/2012Henri Mikkonen @ EGI Technical Forum 20124 STS SAML assertion -token X.509 certificate -token Requests a certificate Issues a certificate STS Client Tool Username, Password, Home Institute Home Institute SAML Trust Domain Username, Password SAML assertion X.509 & Private key to the filesystem X.509 Trust Domain CA (public key + proof)

5 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 SAML token -> X.509 token 19/09/2012Henri Mikkonen @ EGI Technical Forum 20125

6 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 SAML token into a VOMS token 19/09/2012Henri Mikkonen @ EGI Technical Forum 20126 STS SAML assertion -token X.509 proxy certificate -token Requests a certificate Issues a certificate STS Client Tool Username, Password, Home Institute Home Institute SAML Trust Domain Username, Password SAML assertion X.509 proxy certificate chain & private key to the filesystem VOMS Requests attributes Issues an attribute certificate X.509 Trust Domain CA (public key + proof + VO-info)

7 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 SAML token into a VOMS token 19/09/2012Henri Mikkonen @ EGI Technical Forum 20127

8 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 SAML token into a VOMS token 19/09/2012Henri Mikkonen @ EGI Technical Forum 20128 SAML assertion -token Grid Portal Home Institute SAML Trust Domain Username, Password SAML assertion Access Grid Services using the user’s proxy Web browser access X.509 proxy certificate -token STS VOMS CA Requests a certificate Issues a certificate Requests attributes Issues an attribute certificate X.509 Trust Domain (public key + proof + VO-info)

9 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 SAML token into a VOMS token 19/09/2012Henri Mikkonen @ EGI Technical Forum 20129

10 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 Thursday 20.9.2012, 14:00 – 15:30, EMI Security for Grids and Clouds – Henri Mikkonen: “STS Status Update” – Carolina Lindqvist: “Exploring the SAML 2.0 ECP Profile” More details tomorrow 19/09/2012Henri Mikkonen @ EGI Technical Forum 201210

11 EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement RI-261611 Thank you! Questions? Henri Mikkonen

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