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Freedmen’s Bureau Black Codes Override By: Taylor Griffin Jamie Benjamin.

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1 Freedmen’s Bureau Black Codes Override By: Taylor Griffin Jamie Benjamin

2 Freedmen’s Bureau 1865 - 1872 The Freedmen’s Bureau was a U.S. federal government agency that helped distressed refugees and freedmen, freed slaves, in 1865-1872 during the Reconstruction era of the United States. The Bureau’s intention was to help southern whites and blacks make transition from a society based on slavery to freedom.

3 Freedmen’s Bureau Termination General Oliver Howard was leader of the Freedmen’s Bureau. Howard's agency was corrupted, gained inefficiency, and charges of misappropriation of funds. The agency also became the pawn of the corrupt Radical Republican government and was used to help maintain Republican control of the states occupied by federal troops. Congress discontinued the Freedmen's Bureau on July in 1872.

4 Black Codes The Black codes in the U.S. were numerous laws in the states of the former Confederacy after the American Civil War, in 1865 and 1866. The laws were made to replace the social controls of slavery that had been taken away by the Emancipation Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment, and were then intended to assure continuation of white supremacy.

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