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September 12 th Please complete Warm UP and write down homework Find the sum 1. -3 + 4 2. -5 + (-9)

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Presentation on theme: "September 12 th Please complete Warm UP and write down homework Find the sum 1. -3 + 4 2. -5 + (-9)"— Presentation transcript:

1 September 12 th Please complete Warm UP and write down homework Find the sum 1. -3 + 4 2. -5 + (-9)

2 New Seating Chart

3 Joke of the Day What is snake's favorite subject? Hiss - tory

4 Reteach/Retest THIS MORNING Science/Math Retest Tuesday, September 13 th

5 Attention Checkpoint Tomorrow Absolute Value, ordering integers, adding integers

6 Friday’s Classwork You have 5 minutes to finish: You pick 4 in each of the 4 sections

7 Human Number Line Adding you look right Subtracting you look left Positive walk forward Negative walk backward

8 5 + 2

9 -2 + 4

10 6-9

11 -3 – (-9)

12 5 + (-4)

13 Table of Contents Date: 9/12 Section: 2.3 Title: Subtracting Integers Page: 5-6

14 Discuss in your groups what you think each answer is 4 - (-6) Be ready to explain!

15 Positive and negative chips Red is negative Yellow is positive 1.5 – (- 2 ) 2. -3 - 7 3. -9 - (-8) 4. 8 - (-7) 5. 4 - 9

16 Subtracting Integers….. What are we really doing? Add the opposite

17 The rules (+) - (+) = (+) + (-) (-) - (-) = (-) + (+) (+) - (-) = (+) + (+) (-) - (+) = (-) + (-)

18 Hint: two negatives Think Jonas brothers Connect the unibrow

19 Subtracting on number line From: Holt online textbook

20 Find the difference. 4 – 6 4 – 6 = –2 (–6) 4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Course 1 11-5 Subtracting Integers

21 Find the difference. 3 – (–3) –(–3) 3 3 – (–3) = 6 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Course 1 11-5 Subtracting Integers

22 Find the difference. 2 – (–5) –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 – (–5) 2 2 – (–5) = 7 Course 1 11-5 Subtracting Integers

23 Find the difference. 3 – 6 3 – 6 = –3 (–6) 3 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Course 1 11-5 Subtracting Integers

24 The Recipe 1. Change problem to addition by “adding the opposite” 2. Refer to Addition Rules 3.The answer will always have the sign of the farthest number - plus - = add + plus - =subtract - plus + = subtract + plus + = add

25 First ½ Sing to the tune of "Row Row Row Your Boat" Same sign add and keep Different sign subtract Take the sign of the farther number Then it'll be exact!

26 Organizing our Thoughts Integer Foldable Part 2

27 Subtracting Rules 1.Change problem to addition by “adding the opposite” (+) - (+) = (+) + (-) (-) - (-) = (-) + (+) (+) - (-) = (+) + (+) (-) - (+) = (-) + (-) 1. - 3 – (-5) 2.4 – 7 3.6 – (-9) 4. -3 - 8

28 Worktime Worksheet Page 15 “What should you do if you are surrounded by 20 lions, 15 tigers, and 10 leopards?”

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