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Components of a literacy program November 21, 2008.

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1 Components of a literacy program November 21, 2008

2 Word Identification Word Identification

3 Decoding: Print awareness Phonological awareness Phonemic awareness Recognition of syllable structures

4 Context that supports decoding: Semantic structure (meaning) Syntactic structure (grammatical function) Graphophonic structure

5 Sight recognition of words is controlled by repetition and facilitated by context

6 Frequent reading of predictable text

7 Practices that support development of decoding skills: Emphasis on phonemic awareness Explicit instruction in phonics I do it- we do it- you do it

8 A sequence that teaches most useful skills first and separates confusing elements Teaching to mastery for retention Frequent specific positive reinforcement- high success

9 Sight vocabulary= Fluency Many opportunities to read predictable text

10 Barriers to development of word identification skills Deficits in phonemic awareness prevent fluent acquisition of blending skills Poor sequences of skill instruction Lack of explicitness in instruction Not teaching to mastery so skills are not retained

11 Barriers to fluency: Insufficient skills to support recognition Insufficient practice with predictable text

12 Factors affecting comprehension.

13 Language Differences in receptive and expressive vocabulary Experiential/cultural context Understanding and using question forms

14 Other factors affecting comprehension: Levels of abstraction Differences in narrative versus expository text structures

15 Comprehension of narrative: Understanding story structure Levels of abstraction (Bloom)

16 Comprehension of expository text: Readability Levels of abstraction (Bloom) Attention to thinking processes required by the specific content Strategies for accessing textbooks

17 Barriers to developing comprehension skills: Insufficient language background Understanding and using questioning Understanding story structures Understanding thinking processes required by expository text

18 Strategies supporting development of comprehension Teacher questioning Teacher’s oral reading Explicit modeling of thinking strategies Use of graphic organizers Expanding the language- thinking time by utilizing cooperative learning methodologies such as reciprocal teaching Wide range of reading

19 The role of questioning in supporting comprehension Prequestioning to set the purpose Frequent questioning supports retention of facts Increasing the proportion of higher order questions Time delays permit more complex responses

20 Effective teaching … Mastery= Accuracy Accuracy + Automaticity = Proficiency and Retention High context for generalization = Retention

21 Barriers to literacy support for H..S. and M.S. teachers: Addressing the needs of students who are significantly below grade level in reading Differentiation across a broad spectrum of needs and abilities Discouragement of students/ external locus of control / learned helplessness Access to a broad spectrum of subject texts at appropriate levels

22 Inflexible organizational structures Distinguishing between concepts and vocabulary Identification of the thinking process required as well as the knowledge

23 Other strategies that support writing: Graphic organizers and frames ModelingProvocationRevision

24 Writing Skills Writing for different purposes Barriers to writing Scaffolding writing Creating environments that celebrate literacy

25 Challenges Time The demands of continuous learning Changes in how we access information Resources Organizational infrastructure Developing alternative routes and supports in curriculum

26 Practices that support literacy: Good teachers are diagnostic and responsive High levels of engaged time Meaningful instruction Variety and novelty in instruction

27 Effective use of explicit instruction Effective use of cooperative learning strategies including reciprocal teaching Flexible/dynamic grouping Instruction management of time and engagement

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