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Citizens United v Federal Election Commission JOSHUA EASTER.

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Presentation on theme: "Citizens United v Federal Election Commission JOSHUA EASTER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citizens United v Federal Election Commission JOSHUA EASTER

2 Who are these people?  Plaintiff Citizens United represented by Theodore B. Olson  Defendant Federal Election Commission represented by Malcolm L. Stewart 1

3 What do they want?  Citizens United wanted to broadcast the movie Hillary: The Movie on DirecTV within the 30 day period before a primary election on the basis of freedom of speech. 2

4 When did this all happen?  Was brought to the Supreme Court on March 24, 2009  Was reargued on September 9, 2009  Was decided January 24, 2010 3

5 Where did it start?  Started in the United States District Court  Moved to Court of Appeals  Ended up in Robert’s Court 4

6 Why was it seen by the court?  It brought up a legitimate issue of law questioning the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution  This is the reason for which we have a Supreme Court and it is only right that they chose to take this case 5

7 What was the outcome? Pt. 1  First argument was whether or not Hillary: The Movie could be published  5-4 vote in favor of FEC  Shot down as it reveals matters of government interests 6

8 What Was the Outcome? Pt. 2  Second argument of whether or not corporations have the rights of individuals in the matter of free speech  5-4 vote in favor of Citizens United  Determines that citizens and corporations have the same status under the law 7

9 Downfalls  This allows people like George Soros and the Koch Brothers to influence government even more just by pulling out their wallet. 8

10 Downfalls Cont.  People and corporations can now take advantage of this to warp the system further.  super-pac---coordination-resolution-with-jon-stewart super-pac---coordination-resolution-with-jon-stewart 9

11 Why is it so important?  Brought an answer to the question of whether or not corporations have the same rights as individuals  This also brings about the question of whether or not it is legal for third parties to involve themselves in campaigns 10

12 Works Cited  Pictures on Slide 6:  ,28804,1616375_1615711_ 1615683,00.html,28804,1616375_1615711_ 1615683,00.html  Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois Tech. "Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission." Oyez. (accessed November 28, 2015).  "Citizens United Decision Profoundly Affects Political Landscape." Opensecrets RSS. May 5, 2011. Accessed December 4, 2015. profoundly-affects-political-landscape/.  "FEC Litigation - Court Case Abstracts - C." FEC Litigation - Court Case Abstracts - C. Accessed December 1, 2015.  Levy, Gabrielle. "How Citizens United Has Changed Politics In 5 Years." US News. January 21, 2015. Accessed November 29, 2015. citizens-united-has-remade-us-politics.  Stevens, J. "CITIZENS UNITED v. FEDERAL ELECTION COMM’N." CITIZENS UNITED v. FEDERAL ELECTION COMM’N. March 24, 2009. Accessed November 27, 2015. 11

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