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Macrosystem models of flows in communication-computing networks (GRID-technology) Yuri S. Popkov Institute for Systems Analysis of the Russian Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "Macrosystem models of flows in communication-computing networks (GRID-technology) Yuri S. Popkov Institute for Systems Analysis of the Russian Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macrosystem models of flows in communication-computing networks (GRID-technology) Yuri S. Popkov Institute for Systems Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2 GRID — distributed computer

3 Real-time operation mode network as a computer response time is a random value which depends on the flows in network random delay random delay depends on flows in network AB

4 Transportation flows in Moscow traffic system (middle of the day) T = 25 min

5 Change of transportation flows in Moscow traffic system (morning) T = 32 min

6 Change of transportation flows in Moscow traffic system (evening) T = 29 min

7 GRID — Stochastic network — Dynamic system History Transportation networks (passanger, cargo) Pipe-line networks (oil, gas) Computer networks (Internet, Intranet) Energy networks GRID State Distribution of Information flows Stochastic factors Inertia Dynamic stochastic network Macrosystem theory

8 GRID states Spatial distribution of information and computing resources relaxation time Distribution of correspondence flows relaxation time Problems for study A.Formation of quasi-stationary states of corresponding flows B.Spatial-temporary evolution of network: interaction between “slow” and “fast” processes in network

9 GRID phenomenology NetworkCorrespondences Flows Assignment Macrostate - correspondence flows

10 Model of quasi-stationary states Probabilistic characteristics Time interval Information and computing resources  Number of information portions Correspondence flows  Number of information portions per time unit Prior probabilities Flows Volumes Generalized Boltzmann information entropy

11 Model of quasi-stationary states Probabilistic characteristics Generalized Fermi-Dirac information entropy Throughputs Feasible correspondence flows Volume of correspondences

12 Model of quasi-stationary states Feasible sets General model — transmission cost of an information portion for ( i j ) – correspondence Cost constraints — transmission cost of an information portion per time unit for i –th resource - demands Balance constraints - throughput constraints – throughput of k -th arc

13 I.MQSS for constant capacity of correspondences II.MQSS for variable capacity of correspondences III.MQSS for small network loading Classification of the model of quasi-stationary states (MQSS)

14 Illustration of adequacy of the MQSS (transport network)

15 Dynamic models of stochastic network Regional structure of network — volume of computing resources in i -th region (slow variables) — information flows between regions i and j (fast variables) or Change factors of information and computing resources ageing (depends on X(t) ) renewal (external influence U(t) ) information flows ( Y(t) ) Change factors of information flows information and computing resources ( X(t) ) demand ( Q(t) ) information flows ( Y(t) )

16 Dynamic model А. Resource dynamic - positiveness - boundedness Example:

17 Model types 1. Ageing with constant rate 2. Ageing and renewal with constant rate 3. Renewal with constant rate P – (m x n) matrix; P i – i –th row of matrix P ; Y i – i –th column of matrix Y ; B. Quasi-stationary states of the information flows distribution

18 General dynamic model of stochastic network Positive dynamic system with entropy operator

19 Conclusion GRID-technology Hardware, software, technical tools and etc. GRID as a system Information and computing resources, information flows, distributed on-line computing Why it is necessary to study System properties of GRID? Interestingly: new class of dynamic systems Usefully: active and strategic control, prediction Tools Macrosystem modelling Quasi-stationary statesResources evolution Entropy maximization models Models of dynamic systems with entropy operator Numerical methods, sensitivity, smothness Existing, boundedness, stability

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