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2  _io&feature=fvst _io&feature=fvst

3  Provide concrete instruction that jump-starts students into the realm of strategic thinking.  Empower students with the tools of language.  Build student confidence through the bridge of the known to the new.

4  Schema  Inferring  Questioning  Determining importance  Visualizing  Synthesizing

5  The progression for planning lessons that honors the gradual release of responsibility.  Allows time for modeling, thinking aloud, and Lots of Talk.  Kids acquire and practice strategic language, having fun along the way.

6 concrete experiences sensory exercises wordless picture books time for text Comprehension Connections, p. 5

7  First exposure to a thinking strategy; a lesson with a concrete focus. Connections are easily made, creating bridges of thinking from the known to the new.  Concrete lessons anchor future learning.

8  A lesson that links the concrete experience with the ways kids learn, providing opportunities for practice in students’ areas of strength, increasing their likelihood for success.  Sensory exercises might include art, music, food, or movement.  Song – Coat of Many Colors by Dolly Parton Wvk

9  What is your interpretation of the message from this song?

10  Books with little or no text that enable the reader to practice strategic thinking without the added responsibility of decoding.  Wordless picture books provide a rich, authentic place for readers of all ages to rehearse strategic thinking.  Turn and talk about a wordless book that you use in your classroom

11  When the launching process is complete, learners confidently enter the world of text with strategic language in place.  Through the launching sequence, kids acquire new tools for thinking; now they need time to practice using them.  It’s time for more independence, as support from the teacher decreases.


13 by Reading is Fundamental (RIF)  Top 10% read 21 minutes daily ( Independent level) They average 2 million words per year.  Bottom 10% read 6 seconds daily (Independent level). They average 8,000 words per year.

14 Genre (noun) \zhän-rə, zhäⁿ-; zhäⁿr; jän-rə\ 1.a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style,form,or content.


16 Vocabulary Patterns Purpose Form Features Strategies for Comprehension

17 -We read to enjoy or learn. -More than one answer can be right. -Teachers can help. -We read to show what we know. -Only one answer can be right. -Teachers CANNOT help. -Genre structure is the same


19  To promote deep thinking in our classrooms, we must build time for talk.  Kids crave interaction, and they will get it one way or another.  Provide opportunities for purposeful talk. Turn and Talk!  Purposeful talk must be a priority.

20  When it comes to meaningful instruction, it is never really about stuff; it’s about: Thinking and talking and learning.

21 Remember Apply Understand Analyze Evaluate Create Evaluation Analysis Synthesis Application Comprehension Knowledge

22 The typical teacher has children doing a lot of “stuff.” How is what I am having children do creating readers and writers? ~Regie Routman, 2005 Writing Essentials

23  Comprehension Connections, by Tanny McGregor  Made to Stick, by Chip and Dan Heath  Templates and descriptions for comprehension lessons: readingcomprehension.html readingcomprehension.html  Tanny McGregor Webinar site links: aspx

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