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Coach Duke. Look on page 568. 1. What are the factors of production? 2. Describe each one. 3. What is a stock exchange?

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Presentation on theme: "Coach Duke. Look on page 568. 1. What are the factors of production? 2. Describe each one. 3. What is a stock exchange?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coach Duke

2 Look on page 568. 1. What are the factors of production? 2. Describe each one. 3. What is a stock exchange?

3  Land- land & natural resources  Labor- workers  Capital- money, equipment, machinery  Stock exchange- market for buying and selling stocks

4  Titusville, Pennsylvania – site of first oil well  Cleveland, Ohio- site of oil refinery  Pittsburg, Pennsylvania –steel capital of U.S

5 Andrew Carnegie One of most admired businesspeople of the time Focused on steelmaking Used vertical integration, owning businesses involved in each step of manufacturing, to lower costs John D. Rockefeller Made fortune from oil Developed horizontal integration, owning all businesses in a field Formed a trust, grouping many companies under a single board Leland Stanford Made fortune selling equipment to miners Governor of California, one of founders of Central Pacific Railroad, and founder of Stanford University

6  Critics said many businesses earned their fortunes through unfair business practices.  Used size and strength to drive smaller competitors out of business  Powerful trusts sold goods and services below market value until smaller competitors went out of business, then raised prices.  John D. Rockefeller- created an oil monopoly, the Standard Oil Company  Monopoly- total control of a type of industry

7  The Sherman Antitrust Act passed in 1890 made it illegal to create monopolies or trusts that restrained trade.  The act did not clearly define a trust or monopolies, so it was hard to enforce

8 Why would a industry that held a monopoly be a bad thing? Why was the Sherman Antitrust Act weak?

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