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B E S T S.  Opportunity for students to take part in an enjoyable and stimulating experience to learn more about their academic strengths  Chance for.

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1 B E S T S

2  Opportunity for students to take part in an enjoyable and stimulating experience to learn more about their academic strengths  Chance for parents and educators to discover the level of academic challenge appropriate for their students  Since 1992, over 100,000 students have participated

3  To discover, via above-level testing, students who need further educational challenge to fully realize their talent.  To provide parents, educators, and students with an objective measure of a student's readiness for specific academic enrichment and/or accelerative programming.  To provide parents, educators, and students a thorough interpretation of that measure.  To provide a challenging and fun experience for students.  To provide parents, educators, and students information on Belin-Blank Center programs, research, and other information through our on-line newsletter, VISION.

4  Grades 2-3 Gifted students can also enjoy the benefits of BESTS by joining Future BESTS. Future BESTS students are not required to take an above-level test to join  Grades 4-6 Qualifying students take a two-hour test, EXPLORE®, which is a test designed for eighth graders  Grades 7-9 Students have the choice of taking ACT or SAT, both of which are college-entrance exams.

5  All students (grades 2–9) who join BESTS automatically qualify to participate in Belin-Blank Special Programs.  School Year Programs Challenge Saturdays Grades 3-8 Weekend Institute for Gifted Students (WINGS) Grades 3-8 Iowa Online AP Academy Grades 9-12 Invent Iowa Grades K-12 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards Grades 7-12 Iowa Excellence Grade 6-8  Summer Programs Summer Programs

6  Opportunity to join BESTS without having to test  Participants will receive Belin-Blank Center publications, have access to special programs, and will be offered special testing opportunities through the Assessment and Counseling Clinic  Qualification based upon either of the following criteria: 1. One score in the 95th percentile or above on ITBS 2. In some instances there may not be standardized testing information available then teacher nominations based on classroom observation and performance will be accepted.  A student in Future BESTS will be expected to take an above-level test in 4th grade

7  2 nd Grade Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)  3 rd Grade Option 1: Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Option 2: The Mathematics and Reading Achievement sections of the Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP-4) Since ADM students take the CogAT during the fall of 3 rd grade the CTP-4 is recommended.  There is no cost for participating in Future BESTS. There is a fee however, associated with the optional testing through the Assessment and Counseling Clinic.

8  EXPLORE is designed as a test for 8th graders  Purpose of testing is to provide students a challenging experience that will yield useful information about their academic readiness  Over 50% of the BESTS participants have scored higher than the average 8th grader.  In many cases, the EXPLORE® scores have been used to assist educators in modifying a student’s curriculum.  Students qualify for Explore by having one or more grade- level standardized achievement test scores at or above the 95th percentile.

9  Students who have participated in BESTS have indicated that the experience was extremely positive  The purpose of testing is to provide students a challenging experience that will yield useful information about their academic readiness  Forty percent of the BESTS participants have scored higher than the average 11th/12th grader  ACT or SAT – ADM High School Guidance Counselor ACT uses more widely at colleges ADM students tend to attend.  Students qualify for BESTS by having one or more grade- level standardized achievement test scores at or above the 95th percentile.

10  ACT $63 Or Special Accomodations $32  SAT $80 Or Special Accomodations $34  These fees are not refundable  Fee reductions are available for families who demonstrate financial need. For those who qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch are offered a reduced fee of $28.

11 2010-2011 Significant Talent Search Dates  August 2010 Registration is available on Belin & Blank BEST website Website Link for Registration for BEST Testing Website Link for Registration for BEST Testing  October 3rd Final registration deadline for October 23rd EXPLORE®  No registrations for this test date will be accepted after this date.  October 23rd EXPLORE® Test Date (Iowa Only)  December 29th Final registration deadline for January EXPLORE®, January SAT® and February ACT®  No registrations for these test dates will be accepted after this date.  January 16th Final registration deadline for February EXPLORE®  No registrations for this test date will be accepted after this date.  January 22nd EXPLORE® test date  SAT® test date  February 6th Final registration deadline for March SAT  No registrations for these test dates will be accepted after this date  February 12th ACT® test date  February 19th EXPLORE® test date  February 27th Final registration deadline for March EXPLORE® (Iowa only)  No registration for this test date will be accepted after this date  Final registration deadline for April ACT®  No registration for this test date will be accepted after this date.  March 12th SAT® test date  March 26th EXPLORE® test date (Iowa only)  April 9th ACT® test date  May 8th Final registration deadline for June ACT® test date.  No registrations for this test date will be accepted after this date.  June Roster of scores sent to schools (if requested by the participant).  June 11th ACT® test date

12  Ms. Hazel Purtell ADM Middle and High School GATE Educator 515.238.2956  Belin-Blank Website: px px

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