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UNCLASSIFIED (U) 11IS Processing Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) MISSION DATE: 27 JAN 10 SORTIE Number: SORTIE 3 OBJ NAME: HAITI RELIEF MGRS: 18Q.

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Presentation on theme: "UNCLASSIFIED (U) 11IS Processing Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) MISSION DATE: 27 JAN 10 SORTIE Number: SORTIE 3 OBJ NAME: HAITI RELIEF MGRS: 18Q."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNCLASSIFIED (U) 11IS Processing Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) MISSION DATE: 27 JAN 10 SORTIE Number: SORTIE 3 OBJ NAME: HAITI RELIEF MGRS: 18Q YF 85139 56009 COORDINATES: 183432N0721754W CALLSIGN: 14 TIME OVER TARGET: 1400Z-1630Z EEI: Scan for threats, ID obstructions to HLZ operations, pattern of life analysis, indications of violence; proximity to HLZ/ Distro Points, with approx pax counts compared to previous days. ID visible security or lack there of, any indications of violence. Overview: While on target, the sensor observed a perimeter scan of Port Au Prince Airport (SLIDE 2), the three markets (Criox De Bossalines (SLIDE 3), Petionville Market (SLIDE 4), and PAP Salomon Market (SLIDE 5), the National Palace (SLIDE 6), the Cite Soleil Dessalines (SLIDE 7), and the Delmas Soccer Fields (SLIDE 8). The markets remained busy without indications of violence. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES








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