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The Five Themes of Geography. Geography is … The study of the Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "The Five Themes of Geography. Geography is … The study of the Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Five Themes of Geography

2 Geography is … The study of the Earth

3 The Five Themes of Geography can help you ORGANIZE Information about Earth and its people, and understand where things are located and why they are there!

4 Location Where is it? Absolute Location A latitude and longitude (global location) or a street address (local location). Raleigh NC – 35 N Lat., 78 W Long. Littlefield Middle is located at 9674 Hwy 41 North, Lumberton Relative Location Described by landmarks, time, direction, or distance from one place to another. The Taco bell is beside the Kentucky Fried Chicken. Fayetteville is about 32 miles north of Lumberton.

5 REGION Group of places with common human or physical features that set it apart from other areas. populationhistoryclimate landforms

6 Place The human and physical features at a specific location, that make it different from other locations. Landforms, climate, plants, animals, people, language, culture

7 Movement How people, goods, and ideas move from place to place. Human Movement Trucks, Trains, Planes Information Movement Phones, computer (email), mail Idea Movement How do fads move from place to place? TV, Radio, Magazines

8 Human Environment Interaction (HEI) Relationship between people and their environment We depend on it. Using the resources provided. We modify it. Cutting down trees to build homes, building dams to control floods. We adapt to it. Wearing clothing suitable for summer (shorts) and winter (coats), rain and shine. Where we work and types of jobs we have

9 Remembering the Five Themes of Geography If you can’t remember what they are just ask MR. HELP!!! M – Movement R – Regions HE – Human Environment interaction L – Location P - Place

10 1. If you described the means of transportation available to and from school, what theme would you be using? 2. Why might two places be identified as part of the same region? 3. What sports are examples of human-environment interaction? 4. Which theme would you be using if you wrote a letter describing your town? Use the Five Themes of Geography to answer the following questions

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