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MIND CONTROL THROUGH MEDIA 12/12/2014 Yazid Chelkhaoui.

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1 MIND CONTROL THROUGH MEDIA 12/12/2014 Yazid Chelkhaoui

2 HOW ARE MINDS CONTROLLED THROUGH MEDIA ?  Media not only includes press, but movies, books, records, and video games.  Their main objective is to reach the highest viewers possible.

3 ALDOUS HUXLEY’S DEMONSTRATION  Aldous Huxley demonstrates a rather exaggerated version of a society under control of a ruling state that manipulates the people using different methods.  This is a predicted picture of our future world.

4 MIND CONTROL THROUGH BOOKS  People spend their money buying modern books and magazines that give them a temporary feeling of freedom, inspiration, or hope. (Example would be; you can change your life in one week).  When this temporary feeling expires, we are desperate to have this feeling again, so we go ahead a buy these books again.

5 HOW IS BRAVE NEW WORLD DIFFERENT?  Brave New World is not a book that controls a readers mind, it’s rather an alert that demonstrates how you could be trapped into a set of mind controlling people.  Since we are not able to detect it, he showed us in a rather abstract form.

6 THE OBJECTIVE OF MIND CONTROLLERS  People who control minds usually study human behavior in order to be able to put such a large population under a the control of a small group.  The goal of those who attempt to control people’s mind is to reverse the human race into non-thinking automatons.

7 HOW DOES TECHNOLOGY HELP?  Advertising, propaganda, sports, politics, televisions, computers, and video games are all factors that assist in mind control.  None of the above would be available to the public if it weren’t for technology; the network that distributes information worldwide.



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