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Ground-level NO 2 Concentrations Inferred from OMI Lok Lamsal, Dalhousie University Randall Martin, Dalhousie and Harvard-Smithsonian Aaron van Donkelaar,

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Presentation on theme: "Ground-level NO 2 Concentrations Inferred from OMI Lok Lamsal, Dalhousie University Randall Martin, Dalhousie and Harvard-Smithsonian Aaron van Donkelaar,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ground-level NO 2 Concentrations Inferred from OMI Lok Lamsal, Dalhousie University Randall Martin, Dalhousie and Harvard-Smithsonian Aaron van Donkelaar, Dalhousie University Martin Steinbacher, Empa Edward Celarier, SGT Inc. Eric Bucsela, NASA GSFC Edward Dunlea, CIRES Joseph Pinto, EPA

2 Large Regions Have Insufficient In Situ NO 2 Measurements for Air Quality NO 2 Toxic Pollutant Associated with Mortality In Situ Monitors Contaminated with Reactive Nitrogen Highest NO 2 maximum quarterly mean by county, 2001

3 OMI Tropospheric NO 2 Column Proxy for Surface Concentration NO / NO2   with altitude

4 Tropospheric NO 2 Column Strongly Related to Ground-level Concentration over Land Martin et al., 2004 Texas AQS ICARTT Martin et al., 2006 In Situ GEOS-Chem In Situ GEOS-Chem Eastern North America New England

5 Approach to Infer Surface NO 2 from OMI 100% error in GEOS-Chem surface NO 2  < 10% error in derived surface NO 2 in polluted areas OMI Tropospheric NO 2 Column S → Surface NO 2 Ω → Tropospheric NO 2 column In Situ GEOS-Chem i GEOS-Chem NO 2 Profile OMI Local Information GEOS-Chem Grid

6 Surface NO 2 for 2005 Inferred from OMI (standard product) DJF MAM JJA SON

7 CompoundsConversion efficiencyExperiments NO 2, ethyl nitrate~ 100%Winer et al., 1974 PAN92%Winer et al., 1974 HNO 3, PAN, n-propyl nitrate, n-butyl nitrate ≥98%Grosjean and Harrison, 1985 Ammonia, gas phase olefins, NO 3 - InsignificantDunlea et al., 2007 Difficult issue: Loss of HNO 3 on stainless steel of inlet Infer 35% measured from comparison with photolytic converter Correction for Interference in “NO 2 ” in Air Quality Networks DJF MAM JJA SON Correction Calculated with GEOS-Chem

8 Significant Correlation Between Corrected In Situ and OMI-derived Surface NO 2 J F M A M J J A S O N D Correlation of Concident Observations over 2005 OMI-derived (standard product) In Situ (corrected) In Situ (orig)

9 Comparison of In Situ and OMI-derived Surface NO 2 for 2005 Indirect Validation of OMI DJF MAM JJA SON Corrected in situ OMI-derived (standard)

10 Investigation of Seasonal Bias Investigation of Seasonal Bias OMI (standard) Top-down and Bottom-up Emissions over USA OMI (NRT) Bottom-up (NEI2002) Mar 2006 – Feb 2007 J F M A M J J A S O N D Emissions 2005 J F M A M J J A S O N D OMI (standard) In Situ NO 2 rural sites - Cannot eliminate by varying HNO 3 loss on inlet - Would need factor of 3-6 seasonal bias in GEOS-Chem NO 2 / NO y to eliminate - Preliminary: consistent seasonal bias vs NO 2 from PSS

11 Supported by NASA ROSES Promising satellite-based surface NO 2 estimate Need for additional validation of surface NO 2 with “true” NO 2 Surface measurements provide indirect validation of NO 2 columns Conclusions Acknowledgement

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