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Aerospace Department Chairs Association 2015 Enrollment Survey Conducted by the National Institute of Aerospace Presented by: Dr. Drew Landman Old Dominion.

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Presentation on theme: "Aerospace Department Chairs Association 2015 Enrollment Survey Conducted by the National Institute of Aerospace Presented by: Dr. Drew Landman Old Dominion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aerospace Department Chairs Association 2015 Enrollment Survey Conducted by the National Institute of Aerospace Presented by: Dr. Drew Landman Old Dominion University

2 2 Background to 2015 survey 72 Institutions surveyed 45 Responses received (63% response rate) 33 “Select” Schools (high response consistency since 1989; 26 responses this year) Auburn Iowa State Miss St NC State Notre Dame OK State Parks College Penn State Purdue San Diego St Syracuse Texas A&M Cincinnati Colorado Illinois Maryland Michigan Minnesota Oklahoma Virginia Washington VA Tech Wichita St AZ State Embry R (FL) GA Tech Princeton Florida Missouri S&T U TX (Arl) Texas WVU Kansas Red = No response

3 3 Member University Participants Auburn AZ State Caltech CA Poly Pom CA Poly SLO Case Western Embry R (AZ) Embry R (FL) Georgia Tech GWU Illinois Tech MIT Miss St NC State Notre Dame Ohio State U OK State Old Dominion Parks College Penn State Princeton Purdue San Diego St Stanford SUNY Buffalo Texas A&M Arizona UCF Cincinnati Colorado (Boulder) Florida Illinois Kansas Maryland Michigan Minnesota Missouri S&T Thanks for your participation! ! NM State Oklahoma Rutgers Syracuse Texas Austin Texas Arlington Virginia U Alabama (Hunts) UC Davis UC San Diego UCLA USAFA USC UT Knoxville Va Tech Wichita St WVU Response rate this year is “good”

4 4 Regular Members – Non-participation in 2015 Alabama AFIT Cornell Colorado (Springs) Howard Iowa State Miami RPI San Jose State Toronto UTSI There is always next year! USNA VKI UC Irvine Washington WPI

5 Changes This Year Mrs.Dana Reid did most of the hard work Air Force Education with Industry (EWI) fellow assigned to NIA Results were checked and compiled this year by Dr. Colin P. Britcher of Old Dominion University Final cross-checking will be completed post-meeting Minor changes in graph format to improve readability Changed period of analysis to 25 years maximum (introduced last year) Substitute briefer: Dr. Drew Landman of Old Dominion University 5

6 6 Enrollment Data Simple average charts compare the average enrollments for each year based on the number of universities that responded. No weighting to accommodate different response patterns is attempted. “Select” average charts compare the average enrollments for each year based on those of the 33 “select” universities that have responded consistently over the last 20 years. For 2015, these data are sorted primarily upon Aero data, even for most combined departments. (There were 27 mixed departments responding and all but one were able to separate U/G data between Aero and others; numbers vary for students and faculty).

7 Average Undergraduate Enrollment Data 7

8 Average Undergraduate Enrollment Data (All Responses) 8

9 Average Undergraduate Enrollment Data (Selected Schools) 9

10 Average Graduate Enrollment Data 10

11 Average Graduate Enrollment Data 11

12 12 Simple Average Female/Minority Undergraduate Enrollment Data

13 13 Simple Average Female/Minority/Foreign Graduate Enrollment Data

14 14 Aero Department Only Average Degrees Data

15 15 Undergraduate Enrollment Data

16 16 Undergraduate Enrollment Data (continued)

17 17 Graduate Enrollment Data

18 18 Graduate Enrollment Data (continued)

19 19 2015 BS Degrees Awarded

20 20 2015 BS Degrees Awarded (continued)

21 21 2015 MS Degrees Awarded

22 22 2015 MS Degrees Awarded (continued)

23 23 2015 PhD Degrees Awarded

24 24 2015 PhD Degrees Awarded (continued)

25 25 Aero Department Only Faculty Level Data

26 26 Aero Department Only Faculty Level Data (continued)

27 27 Mixed Department Faculty Level Data

28 28 Other Data Aero MS STUDENTS – THESIS DATA 2450 : Total MS – Aero 45 % Thesis 45 % Non-Thesis 10 % Not Reported / Not Clear DO YOU HAVE AN ENROLLMENT CAP? 13 % Yes 87 % No or not reported 6 Schools Responded “Yes” NC State Texas Austin VA Tech Purdue Ohio State USC Mixed MS STUDENTS – THESIS DATA 2995 : Total MS – Mixed 38 % Thesis 53 % Non-Thesis 9 % Not Reported / Not Clear

29 29 Other Data FACULTY LEVELS - Mixed 683 : Total Tenure/Tenure-Track 798 : Total FTE 24 %: Asst Prof 25 %: Assoc Prof 51 %: Full Prof 17 %: Minority 11 %: Female FACULTY LEVELS - Aero 526 : Total Tenure/Tenure-Track 616 : Total FTE 24 %: Asst Prof 21 %: Assoc Prof 55 %: Full Prof 13%: Minority 12%: Female Some issues with interpreting reports that give Aero and Mixed data for same school

30 30 Questions / Improvement Suggestions Some ambiguity in interpreting data for “Mixed” programs – students numbers are probably OK, faculty numbers less certain Post Brief on NIA or ADCA website? Both? What other data do you want to see? Email Colin Britcher Charts are now capped at a 25 year look-back window, although prior data is retained Check all programs to ensure continued viability? Expand to include more international programs?

31 31

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