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Do you know my hobbies? Lead-in 1min Unit 3 Our hobbies Topic 1 What hobbies did you use to have? Section A.

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2 Do you know my hobbies? Lead-in 1min

3 Unit 3 Our hobbies Topic 1 What hobbies did you use to have? Section A

4 Learning aims 1min 1. Learn some useful words and expressions: 2. Use “prefer, like, love, enjoy, be interested in, be fond of” to express your hobbies. (1) I am interested in playing basketball. (2) I love singing and playing the guitar. (3) I enjoy dancing to music. (4) I like reciting poems. (5) I am fond of acting. (6) I prefer playing soccer. 3.Listen and talk about interests and hobbies:

5 2.spare [speə] adj. in one’s spare time 3.hobby ['h ɔ bi] n. 4.comic ['k ɔ mik] n. 5.interested ['intrəstid]adj. be interested in 6.fond [f ɔ nd] adj. be fond of 空闲的,剩余的 在某人空闲时间 业余爱好,嗜好 连环画杂志 感兴趣的 对 …… 感兴趣 喜爱的,爱好的 喜欢 Task 1 New words 5min 1. rent [rent ] 租用,出租

6 7.act [ækt] v. 8.collect [kə'lekt] v. 9.plant [plænt] v. 10.hike [haik] v. 11.novel ['n ɔ v(ə)l] n. 12.paint [peint] v. 绘画,油漆,粉刷 n. 油漆 n. 法令,条例 表演,扮演,演出 收集,搜集 种植,播种 n. 植物 远足,徒步旅行 小说

7 1.All p_______ need water and light. 2.—What are your _______? --I enjoyed travelling before, but now I like collecting telephone cards. 3.I am interested in ________ stamps. I have a lot of stamps now. 4.Kangkang is good at _______ in the play. 5. She likes reading _____ written by Guo Jingming in her spare time. 检测 lants novels hobbies collecting acting

8 Task2Listen and fill in the blanks. 1 In the boy’s spare time, he likes going fishing _______and he also enjoys comics. 2The girl often goes to the movie _______ and she also enjoys ______ DVDs to watch at home. 3 The boy advises the girl to do some outdoor__________. 4 After the boy’s advice, maybe the girl will _______her hobbies. best theater renting activities change 4min

9 Task3 Read and say: Read and then act out 1a 5min

10 Helen: What do you often do in your spare time? Wen Wei: I often go fishing. It’s my favorite hobby. And I also enjoy reading comics. It’s great fun. Well, what’s your hobby? Helen: I’m a movie fan. I go to the movie theater a lot. Wen Wei: Why not go out and do some outdoor activities? Helen: Sounds good! Maybe I need a change.

11 Task4 Pair work (1b) 6min Make similar conversations with your partner, talk about what you often do in your spare time.

12 Name Hobby Task5 Read 2a and then ask and make a survey about your classmates’ hobbies and then report it to your class. (2b group work) 4min

13 You can report like this: My friend ××often enjoys…

14 What’s his hobby? He loves _________________. listening to music Task6 Look and say 10min What is he doing? love

15 like swim he

16 be interested in collect stamps he

17 prefers fly a kite

18 enjoy climb mountains

19 be interested in walk a pet dog

20 be fond of go hiking

21 enjoy plant flowers

22 love likebe interested in he prefers enjoy be interested in be fond of enjoy

23 a b ec dghf -7 -3 -5 -2 -8 -6-4 3. Work alone

24 like love enjoy prefer be interested in be fond of (doing) sth 喜欢做某事 :

25 I like sleeping best. I am interested in having delicious food! like doing sth love doing sth enjoy doing sth prefer doing sth be interested in doing sth be fond of doing sth

26 like doing sth love doing sth enjoy doing sth prefer doing sth be interested in doing sth be fond of doing sth play with toyscry

27 Write a short passage about your family members’ hobbies. Use the sentence structures we have learned today. E.g.: My mother enjoys walking a pet dog, she thinks she can have fun playing with the pet dog… Task7 exercise in class 6min

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