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U. S. IMPERIALISM CHINA. The Boxer Rebellion: 1900 The Peaceful Harmonious Fists. “55 Days at Peking.”

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2 The Boxer Rebellion: 1900 The Peaceful Harmonious Fists. “55 Days at Peking.”

3 The Open Door Policy Secretary John Hay. Give all nations equal access to trade in China. Guaranteed that China would NOT be taken over by any one foreign power.

4 The Open Door Policy

5 America as a Pacific Power

6 PANAMA CANAL 1903-1914

7 Panama: The King’s Crown 1850  Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. 1901  Hay-Paunceforte Treaty. Philippe Bunau-Varilla, agent provocateur. Dr. Walter Reed. Colonel W. Goethals. 1903  Hay-Bunau- Varilla Treaty.

8 Panama Canal TR in Panama (Construction begins in 1904)

9 The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine: 1905 Chronic wrongdoing… may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation, and in the Western Hemisphere the adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States, however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such such wrongdoing or impotence, to the exercise of an international police power power.

10 Speak Softly, But Carry a Big Stick!

11 PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT What is President Roosevelt’s role in foreign affairs? Describe TR in the Caribbean Sea. In what direction was the Panama constructed? How many treaties did the USA sign before building the Panama Canal? What is TR wearing on his head?


13 The Cares of a Growing Family

14 Political Cartoon Who is depicted in the previous cartoon? What is the message of the previous cartoon?

15 Constable of the World

16 CONSTABLE OF THE WORLD What is a constable? How is TR depicted in this cartoon? How are people treating him? What is the message of this cartoon?

17 The Great White Fleet: 1907

18 THE GREAT WHITE FLEET Why did TR send the American fleet on a trip around the world? What did he hope to accomplish?

19 Taft’s “Dollar Diplomacy” Improve financial opportunities for American businesses. Use private capital to further U. S. interests overseas. Therefore, the U.S. should create stability and order abroad that would best promote America’s commercial interests.


21 Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani Hawaii for the Hawaiians!

22 U. S. Business Interests In Hawaii 1875 – Reciprocity Treaty 1890 – McKinley Tariff American businessmen backed an uprising against Queen Liliuokalani. 1893 – American businessmen backed an uprising against Queen Liliuokalani. Sanford Ballard Dole proclaims the Republic of Hawaii in 1894.


24 “Seward’s Icebox”: 1867


26 The Imperialist Tailor

27 IMPERIALIST TAILOR Who is the tailor? What is the message of this cartoon?

28 Spanish Misrule in Cuba

29 Uncle Sam: One of the “Boys?”

30 “One of the boys?” What is the meaning of this cartoon? Who is at the card table with “Uncle Sam”?

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