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Quickwrite Take out your retrieval chart Read Pgs. 166-168 in your text and explain the causes of the French Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Quickwrite Take out your retrieval chart Read Pgs. 166-168 in your text and explain the causes of the French Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quickwrite Take out your retrieval chart Read Pgs. 166-168 in your text and explain the causes of the French Revolution.


3 LIBERTY EQUALITY Born equal The Right to live Free trade Freedom of worship Ideas of Enlightenment 18th Century 18th Century The Right to elect representatives to gov’t bodies Ideas

4 The Enlightenment Locke Rousseau Montesquieu Voltaire Ideas

5 Government by consent of people A contract between gov’t & people If gov’t breaks contract The right to rebel Locke Ideas

6 Influence of the Enlightenment It prepared the ground for change - a revolution in the minds of the people Government by Divine Right Government by consent of the people 17th century 18th century Ideas

7 Government Before the Revolution King Louis XVI was an absolute monarch.

8 Problems- Social, Economic, Political, Natural or Religious Absolute Monarchy - Rule by Divine Right Empty treasury (too much spending, not enough taxing of 1 st and 2 nd Estates) Failure in wars and heavy cost of wars (Am. Rev.) Luxury of the court System of unequal taxation Drought and poor crop yield Political Discontents

9 97% The Third Estate: Common People (the middle class[4%], the workers[8%], the peasants[85%]) Social and Economic Discontents of the French Revolution Social inequality The First Estate: The Clergy The Second Estate: The Nobility : Privileges & Restrictions 3% Class Inequality Social and Economic Discontents

10 To which social group and estate does the bottom guy belong? What clues does the cartoonist use to make the suggestion? What do the other three people represent? What helps you think so? Do you think that the cartoon has reflected fully the problem of social inequality in France before the French revolution?

11 What problems are discussed in this clip?

12 Compare the lives of people portrayed in the slides. How might they have contributed to revolution in France?

13 Names and characteristics of the people involved. Louis XVI- Incompetent General Lafayette- Military leader Jaque Necker- Financial Guru Robespierre-Emotional Leader There are video clips Behind Louis and Robe

14 Dramatic Events- Actions or Violence Tennis Court Oath Assault on the Bastille March on VersaillesEstates General Called

15 New Governments Form The National Assembly creates a constitutional monarchy with Louis XVI at the head- IT FAILS A 5 person Directory governs with military support and eventually Napoleon emerges to lead a 3 person consul. A more radical National Assembly executes the king and forms a people’s republic- IT FAILS

16 What is the humor in these comics?

17 Events Influence on Individual Liberty and Self-Government Influences- Men are equal before the law. All men born free have equal rights. Protection of liberty, property and security. Government exists to protect rights. Equal rights to holders of public office- based on talent rather than birth.

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