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BY: JEFFRY WINTER Religion and why I think its false.

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1 BY: JEFFRY WINTER Religion and why I think its false

2 Proof of the bible I have asked multiple people of religious beliefs what proof do they have that the bible is real, and all of them answered “the bible says so” or something in that general area. Or read me an excerpt from the bible, that alone as a answer is not enough proof for me to believe.

3 The stories of the bible The bible has many stories, and most of them rely on the power of god to make sense of the story. Here are some of them:

4 Jonah and the whale In the story of Jonah and the whale God gave Jonah a task to do, but Jonah was afraid so he ran away and then got swallowed by a whale and lived in the stomach of the whale for 3 days before being spit out by the whale. This is overall impossible for the reasons of: the throat of the biggest whale (the Blue whale) is only big enough to swallow a beach ball ( about 23 inches) which is much smaller than a human being. And if you were to get passed the throat you would either drown in the bile or dissolve in the stomach acid.

5 The Tower of Babel In this story there are a group of people who start to build a tower to heaven. Then god became worried so he made all the people who were building the tower speak different languages so they couldn’t work together, so they stopped building the tower. So why was god worried? If heaven is a place that people can only go to after death then why worry that people were attempting to build a tower to a place that is unreachable.

6 Noah’s ark In the story of Noah’s ark Noah is commanded to build a boat to protect himself, his family, and the animals of Earth from a flood that will wash away the evil from the world. But this story has multiple flaws in it. First of all the story says that the flood covered the highest mountain and the elevation of the tallest mountain in biblical times was 16854 feet which was Mount Ararat. At that elevation it would be very difficult to breath without oxygen tanks and I doubt Noah had those on his ark, so how did he and the animals survive?

7 Moses and the talking/burning bush In this story Moses sees a bush that is on fire but not burning down, so he goes to see the bush and then God starts speaking to Moses through the bush! This story doesn’t need much evaluating to realize it’s one of the most idiotic stories ever. And once again it relies on the power of to make sense of the situation. There must have been an easier way to communicate with Moses other than through a burning bush.

8 Religion (In my opinion) Religion was created for the purpose of having an explanation for most things in the world. It is also one of the most fatuous things I have ever heard of. The idea of a higher power, more powerful than man is just idiotic and unbelievable. The human race has accomplished a lot of things, but coming up with the idea of religion and a god is just disappointing. I once watched a video of someone who was chanting about how you can hate religion but love god and that makes no sense, if you don’t believe in religion then don’t believe in the figure of religion! It makes no sense, and just proves my point that the human race is to idiotic to comprehend the slightest idea of a higher power. I say that because people now put religion before anything else and run their life by the commandments of religion.

9 Sources

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