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C. F. Bedoya May 5 th, 2015. 2 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 Phase 2 Technical Proposal is to be finalized for CWR in this CMS Week Next step.

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Presentation on theme: "C. F. Bedoya May 5 th, 2015. 2 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 Phase 2 Technical Proposal is to be finalized for CWR in this CMS Week Next step."— Presentation transcript:

1 C. F. Bedoya May 5 th, 2015

2 2 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 Phase 2 Technical Proposal is to be finalized for CWR in this CMS Week Next step is the Scope Document (vital for showing the importance of each upgrade) Meanwhile: -R&D Phase 2 description, milestones, costs and estimated contributions -Also, full Phase 2 program description, schedule and costs …

3 Phase 2 R&D Description and Cost: gKKbdr8/edit# 3 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 The R&D work for the DT includes i) longevity tests of the large chambers, for which there is GIF++ facility infrastructure setup and then testing, and ii) prototyping of all of the elements of the Minicrate replacement project. The longevity tests are needed before the TDR to be sure that the DT chambers and front-end electronics will survive HL-LHC conditions. They require infrastructure at the GIF++, including chamber supports, crates, electronics modules, and a gas system. The DT electronics replacement project needs to show proof-of-principle both for the UXC electronics and for the USC electronics and refine the design before the TDR. Items needing R&D include the UXC system that will replace present Minicrates, that is: Minicrate mechanics, TDC implementation first in ProASIC FPGAs and later in final FPGAs available at the time of production, slow controls, optical links and the the final OBEDT board with all previous items included. Also, extensive R&D is needed for the USC part to develop the trigger algorithms in the appropriate hardware platform. In addition, proper test systems will need to be developed to validate the overall design. A detailed plan of work for the DT R&D, including milestones, has been developed.

4 Needs confirmation from Estonia, Malaysia, Hungary DT = 417 kCHF for R&D 4 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 RRB: We are asked to submit a document detailing the involvement in R&D for Phase2 upgrades of each institute participating R&D activities

5 Phase 2 Cost: Comments added. Full table at n/2/material/slides/3.xlsx n/2/material/slides/3.xlsx Subdivision among participating institutes will be required It will be reviewed by the USG group soon 5 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015

6 6 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015

7 7 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015



10 10 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 - Radiation tests performed at the PSI in 2003 - Two components were particularly weak to the total dose received: UART device, responsible of the backup communication link of the Minicrate (broken at 100 Gy) Altera MAX7000 CPLD EPM7128S (broken at 100 Gy). - Compromises the operation of the full chamber. Motivation to replace DT electronics in LS3: Various reasons, but two very compelling CPLD results confirmed by independent tests by Rice Universtity and University of California (actually they got lower limit (7.66 Gy)) M.Matveev, P.Padley, G.Pawloski, J.Roberts, M.Tripathi. Software Evaluation and Irradiation Test of the SBS Technologies Model 620 PCI-to-VME Bus Adapter. Published in Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments. Pp. 389-391. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September - 3 October 2003. CERN 2003-006. CERN-LHCC-2003-055. LHCC-G-061. 10 November 2003.

11 11 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 -ASICs date to 1996 - 2000. -Final board productions < 2003. -The system will be 25 years old, operating intensively since production through validation, commissioning and running -How long will they last? 40% of the Minicrates had to be accessed during LS1 to repair the 3 % lost 201020112012LS1

12 12 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 10% loss at the start of 2025 if linear trend and no repairs Constant Failure rate

13 Will system degradation have any dependency with the luminosity?

14 14 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 2023 ~83% LS4 ~40% 2026 ~70%

15 15 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 The performance of the DT system can be studied in terms of: impact on the Level 1 muon trigger impact on the muon reconstruction Tracking trigger at HL-LHC => muon identification at DT is critical but... resolution at high p t also matters. DT system is pretty immune to dead cells or layers inside each chamber (which is the expected aging mode for the drift tube chambers themselves) though the loss of few chambers (as in the Minicrates aging scenario) imposes important losses (full segment lost).

16 16 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 We have studied the impact in the physics of different scenarios for a DT aged system: -Consider only fully dead chambers (i.e. full segment lost), consequence of electronic failures in the Minicrate which makes the full chamber inefficient (alive chambers are 100% efficient) -Assign a higher probability of being dead to those sitting in the higher radiation doses -In addition, a random distribution of missing segments around the detector reflects the case of random DT Minicrate looses due to aging Conditions for each scenario simulated are slightly different: in some cases different distribution event by event, in some cases fixed chambers dead throughout the exercise, etc

17 17 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 Impact on the level 1 muon trigger performance implies: lower efficiency higher trigger rate (In particular, a higher trigger rate of mis-measured low p t muons, which get promoted above threshold) Run 2 detector configuration Drell-Yan sample with pile up of 50 Aged scenario: 31.2 % of the DT Minicrates dead (higher probability for the areas with larger radiation + a random distribution) At HL-LHC we will have tracking trigger, which should solve the problem of rate, though… -Inefficiencies would still be there (how many segments needed to match a tracker track?) -Increase in rate from muons to be matched in the tracker (is there any HW limitation?) -You may still need an independent standalone muon trigger!!!

18 18 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 Muon detection efficiency for a dark photon of 50 mm lifetime versus the distance from the decay spot to the interaction point measured in the transverse plane. The blue curve is the efficiency of the standalone muon while the red curve represents the muon measured with the level 1 tracker Maintaining a single muon hardware trigger independent of the tracker is fundamental for some of the exotica searches of long lived particles decaying in the detector far away from the interaction point

19 19 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 Leading lepton mainly central

20 20 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 H  4 μ Up to 75% events contain at least one muon in the barrel region. H  4 μ Up to 75% events contain at least one muon in the barrel region. We have studied the effect of the DT degraded scenario on the Higgs reconstruction by using two methods: (A)a full simulation where a set of chambers are killed and (B)a toy simulation where the cracks between the wheels are included (although not the cracks between the sectors). We have checked that the values obtained are consistent with a slightly higher inefficiency (approximately 2%) in the full simulation exercise.

21 21 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 Full simulation in CMSSW, 14TeV 2012 CMS detector configuration Standard Higgs workflow No selection cuts Only DT degraded, rest of CMS in perfect shape (tracker, RPCs, etc) Full simulation in CMSSW, 14TeV 2012 CMS detector configuration Standard Higgs workflow No selection cuts Only DT degraded, rest of CMS in perfect shape (tracker, RPCs, etc) Ev. efficiency (2 segments) = 76.4% vs 70.8% for GlobalMuons from fullsim (*) Toy Simulation, 14 TeV 2012 CMS detector configuration Cracks between wheels included (not between sectors) No selection cuts Only DT degraded, rest of CMS in perfect shape (tracker, RPCs, etc) Toy Simulation, 14 TeV 2012 CMS detector configuration Cracks between wheels included (not between sectors) No selection cuts Only DT degraded, rest of CMS in perfect shape (tracker, RPCs, etc) % dead DT Minicrates Higgs reconstruction inefficiency 5%10% 15% 18% 20%22% 30%37% 40%53%

22 22 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 We have also studied the Z’ reconstruction for an aged scenario of 31.2% Minicrates dead. Full Simulation CMSSSW 2012 detector configuration Phys14 Z’ sample PileUp 20 ; BX =25 ns ; 13 TeV Standard selection for the Z’analysis No trigger selections included here Full Simulation CMSSSW 2012 detector configuration Phys14 Z’ sample PileUp 20 ; BX =25 ns ; 13 TeV Standard selection for the Z’analysis No trigger selections included here

23 23 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 Drift Tubes is key for muon detection and measurement in the central region Fundamental analysis in Phase 2 will still require a fully efficient DT system We have shown some quantitative examples of what will CMS will loose by putting the DT detector on risk


25 25 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 In the 100% efficient scenario, 25 candidates/muon in the tracker region of interest for low p t muons

26 26 C. F. BedoyaDT Upgrade – May 5 th, 2015 

27 2015 Live channels % 100 95 10% detector dead by LS3 13% detector dead by LS4 This does not include expected repairs in LS2 or LS3 Would the rate be constant? (We are not taking it into account but last months have been quite dramatic for robus and CCB errors) We cannot build the case with constant failure rate C. F. Bedoya March 12 th, 2015 27 No wear-out. What about normal MTBF rate?

28 Timeline DT new Electronics R&D & prototyping 2015-2018 Final validation test in LS2 2019 Construction 2020 -2023 Ready for LS3 2023 LS2

29 UXCUSCValidation MiC2 RO PCBCIEMAT, PD DT ControlsAA MiC2 linksTO USC system “TRI-ROS” and FWCIEMAT, BO MiC2 mechanics and infrastructureAA TDC FWPD Hit detection + Pattern recognition FWBO, CIEMAT, PD Simulation MiC2 & “TRI-ROS” online SWPDPD, CIEMAT, BO, AA Test system & test interfacesAA, BO, TO Integration-installation Agreed provisional sharing + Malaysia, Estonia, Hungary WORKPACKAGES


31 31 C. F. BedoyaCMS Upgrade Week – February, 2015 -R&D plan  major milestones and steps to achieve validation of components and systems up to construction - overall expected cost (w/o breakdown) - potential issues, aspects needing more attention/coverage… DT, 10% of the cost in R&D

32 32 C. F. BedoyaCMS Upgrade Week – February, 2015

33 33 C. F. BedoyaCMS Upgrade Week – February, 2015


35 R&D + validation plan 2015-2019: transverse workpackages


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