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Human-Environment Interaction

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1 Human-Environment Interaction
Chapter 27, Section 3 Human-Environment Interaction

2 Three Gorges Dam Largest dam in the world built on the Yangtze River.
Goal is to generate power, control flooding, and allow ships to sail further in to China. More than 1 mile wide and 600ft high.

3 Consequences Almost 1.5 million people are displaced due to the construction and flooding. Historical sites and scenic sites are submerged. Animal habitat shortage, chemical leaks, climate and temperature change, erosion, landslides have occurred.




7 Urban Japan 60% of Japanese people live on about 3% of the land.
80% of people live in cities along the coast. Japanese have adapted to small houses with little furniture. Many people live in apartments.

8 Common for a family of 4 to live in 1 bedroom house.
Landfills are used to dispose of waste and then rebuild on.



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