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© Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 1 S052/III.1(b): Applied Data Analysis Roadmap of the Course.

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1 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 1 S052/III.1(b): Applied Data Analysis Roadmap of the Course – What Is Today’s Topic Area? More details can be found in the “Course Objectives and Content” handout on the course webpage. Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) Do your residuals meet the required assumptions? Test for residual normality Use influence statistics to detect atypical datapoints If your residuals are not independent, replace OLS by GLS regression analysis Use Individual growth modeling Specify a Multi-level Model If your sole predictor is continuous, MRA is identical to correlational analysis If your sole predictor is dichotomous, MRA is identical to a t-test If your several predictors are categorical, MRA is identical to ANOVA If time is a predictor, you need discrete- time survival analysis… If your outcome is categorical, you need to use… Binomial logistic regression analysis (dichotomous outcome) Multinomial logistic regression analysis (polytomous outcome) Discriminant Analysis If you have more predictors than you can deal with, Create taxonomies of fitted models and compare them. Form composites of the indicators of any common construct. Conduct a Principal Components Analysis Use Cluster Analysis Transform the outcome or predictor Use non-linear regression analysis. If your outcome vs. predictor relationship is non-linear, Today’s Topic Area

2 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 2 S052/III.1(b): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators Printed Syllabus – What Is Today’s Topic? Please check inter-connections among the Roadmap, the Daily Topic Area, the Printed Syllabus, and the content of today’s class when you pre-read the day’s materials. Using Principal Components Analysis Today, in Sections III.1(b) & (c) on Using Principal Components Analysis, I will: Introduce the idea of forming a general weighted linear composite from multiple indicators. Show how Principal Components Analysis can create an optimal weighted linear composite. Identify the 1 st principal component as the required optimal composite. Interpret the 1 st principal component by inspecting weights in the 1 st eigenvector. Determine the variance of the 1 st principal component by examining the 1 st eigenvalue. Connect the dimensionality of a set of indicators to the eigenvalues produced by PCA. Determine the dimensionality of a set of indicators using Rule of One & Scree Plot. Appendix 1: Assessing the magnitudes of the elements of the eigenvector Using Principal Components Analysis Today, in Sections III.1(b) & (c) on Using Principal Components Analysis, I will: Introduce the idea of forming a general weighted linear composite from multiple indicators. Show how Principal Components Analysis can create an optimal weighted linear composite. Identify the 1 st principal component as the required optimal composite. Interpret the 1 st principal component by inspecting weights in the 1 st eigenvector. Determine the variance of the 1 st principal component by examining the 1 st eigenvalue. Connect the dimensionality of a set of indicators to the eigenvalues produced by PCA. Determine the dimensionality of a set of indicators using Rule of One & Scree Plot. Appendix 1: Assessing the magnitudes of the elements of the eigenvector

3 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 3 S052/III.1(b): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators Recalling the TSUCCESS Dataset DatasetTSUCCESS.txt OverviewResponses of a national sample of teachers to six questions about job satisfaction. Source Administrator and Teacher Survey of the High School and Beyond (HS&B) dataset, 1984 administration, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).High School and BeyondNational Center for Education Statistics Sample Size5269 teachers (4955 of them with complete data). More Info HS&B was established to study the educational, vocational, and personal development of young people beginning in their elementary or high school years and following them over time as they began to take on adult responsibilities. The HS&B survey included two cohorts: (a) the 1980 senior class, and (b) the 1980 sophomore class. Both cohorts were surveyed every two years through 1986, and the 1980 sophomore class was also surveyed again in 1992. A dataset in which the investigators measured multiple indicators of what they thought was a single underlying construct that represented Teacher Job Satisfaction:  The data described in TSUCCESS_info.pdf. A dataset in which the investigators measured multiple indicators of what they thought was a single underlying construct that represented Teacher Job Satisfaction:  The data described in TSUCCESS_info.pdf.

4 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 4 Cronbach Coefficient Alpha Variables Alpha ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Raw 0.696594 Standardized 0.735530 Cronbach Coefficient Alpha Variables Alpha ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Raw 0.696594 Standardized 0.735530 I have argued that, when forming composites, a standardized composite is preferred, to compensate for the heterogeneous metrics and variances of the multiple indicators being composited, as follows … S052/III.1(b): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators Extending The Basic “Equally-Weighted” Standardized Composite A standardized composite is formed by first standardizing each indicator to zero mean & standard deviation 1: Then, the standardized indicator scores are added together to form composite C i, as follows: Or, if you prefer to use “normed” weights, C i would be†: Then, the standardized indicator scores are added together to form composite C i, as follows: Or, if you prefer to use “normed” weights, C i would be†: †Weights are said to be “normed” when the sum of their squares is equal to one.

5 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 5 Cronbach Coefficient Alpha Variables Alpha ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Raw 0.696594 Standardized 0.735530 Cronbach Coefficient Alpha Variables Alpha ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ Raw 0.696594 Standardized 0.735530 More generally, a weighted linear composite can be formed by weighting and adding standardized indicators together to form a composite measure of teacher job satisfaction … S052/III.1(b): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators An Extension Of The Basic Standardized Composite To Include “Weights”? By choosing weights that differ from unity and differ from each other, we can create an infinite number of potential composites, as follows: Where we typically use “normed” weights, such that: By choosing weights that differ from unity and differ from each other, we can create an infinite number of potential composites, as follows: Where we typically use “normed” weights, such that: Among all such weighted linear composites, are there some that are “optimal”? How would we define such “optimal” composites?:  Does it make sense, for instance, to seek a composite with maximum variance, given the original standardized indicators.  Perhaps I can also choose weights that take account of the differing inter-correlations among the indicators, and “pull” the composite “closer” to the more highly-correlated indicators? Among all such weighted linear composites, are there some that are “optimal”? How would we define such “optimal” composites?:  Does it make sense, for instance, to seek a composite with maximum variance, given the original standardized indicators.  Perhaps I can also choose weights that take account of the differing inter-correlations among the indicators, and “pull” the composite “closer” to the more highly-correlated indicators?

6 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 6 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Input the dataset, name and label the six indicators of teacher satisfaction *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*; DATA TSUCCESS; INFILE 'C:\DATA\S052\TSUCCESS.txt'; INPUT X1-X6; LABEL X1 = 'Have high standards of teaching' X2 = 'Continually learning on job' X3 = 'Successful in educating students' X4 = 'Waste of time to do best as teacher' X5 = 'Look forward to working at school' X6 = 'Time satisfied with job'; PROC FORMAT; VALUE AFMT 1='Strongly disagree' 2='Disagree' 3='Slightly disagree' 4='Slightly agree' 5='Agree' 6='Strongly agree'; VALUE BFMT 1='Strongly agree' 2='Agree' 3='Slightly agree' 4='Slightly disagree' 5='Disagree' 6='Strongly disagree'; VALUE CFMT 1='Not successful' 2='Somewhat successful' 3='Successful' 4='Very Successful'; VALUE DFMT 1='Almost never' 2='Sometimes' 3='Almost always' 4='Always'; *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Carry out the principal components analysis *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*; PROC PRINCOMP DATA=TSUCCESS OUT=TSUCCESS PREFIX=PC_; VAR X1-X6; *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Input the dataset, name and label the six indicators of teacher satisfaction *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*; DATA TSUCCESS; INFILE 'C:\DATA\S052\TSUCCESS.txt'; INPUT X1-X6; LABEL X1 = 'Have high standards of teaching' X2 = 'Continually learning on job' X3 = 'Successful in educating students' X4 = 'Waste of time to do best as teacher' X5 = 'Look forward to working at school' X6 = 'Time satisfied with job'; PROC FORMAT; VALUE AFMT 1='Strongly disagree' 2='Disagree' 3='Slightly disagree' 4='Slightly agree' 5='Agree' 6='Strongly agree'; VALUE BFMT 1='Strongly agree' 2='Agree' 3='Slightly agree' 4='Slightly disagree' 5='Disagree' 6='Strongly disagree'; VALUE CFMT 1='Not successful' 2='Somewhat successful' 3='Successful' 4='Very Successful'; VALUE DFMT 1='Almost never' 2='Sometimes' 3='Almost always' 4='Always'; *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Carry out the principal components analysis *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*; PROC PRINCOMP DATA=TSUCCESS OUT=TSUCCESS PREFIX=PC_; VAR X1-X6; In Data-Analytic Handout III.1(b).1 … S052/III.1(b): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators Programming Principle Components Analysis In PC-SAS PROC PRINCOMP is the PC-SAS procedure for conducting Principal Components Analysis (PCA):  By choosing sets of weights, PCA seeks out optimal weighted linear composites of the original standardized indicators. principal components  These composites are called the “principal components.”  The first principal component is that weighted linear composite that has maximum variance, given the indicator-indicator inter- correlations. After a PCA, scores on the new composite(s) are output, for each person, and you must:  Specify a dataset into which they are output (here, I used the original dataset, TSUCCESS).  Provide a prefix to be used for labeling the new composite variable(s) (here, PC_ ). The VAR statement specifies the indicators to include in the PCA

7 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 7 The PRINCOMP Procedure Observations 4955 Variables 6 Simple Statistics X1 X2 X3 Mean 4.3294 3.8736 3.1550 StD 1.0882 1.2427 0.6693 The PRINCOMP Procedure Observations 4955 Variables 6 Simple Statistics X1 X2 X3 Mean 4.3294 3.8736 3.1550 StD 1.0882 1.2427 0.6693 X4 X5 X6 4.2270 4.4244 2.8365 1.6660 1.3289 0.5714 X4 X5 X6 4.2270 4.4244 2.8365 1.6660 1.3289 0.5714 S052/III.1(b): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators PCA Provides Univariate Output … Notice the sample size used in the PCA:  Recall that the total sample size was 5269 teachers.  PCA has used the list-wise deleted sample of 4955 teachers in order to avoid violations of positive definiteness. Notice the sample size used in the PCA:  Recall that the total sample size was 5269 teachers.  PCA has used the list-wise deleted sample of 4955 teachers in order to avoid violations of positive definiteness. As a first step, PCA estimates the sample mean and standard deviation of the indicators and standardizes each of them automatically, as follows: So, we begin with a total of six units of original standardized indicator variance that PCA then seeks to disperse maximally into new composites. The output has several important features, starting with...

8 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 8 The PRINCOMP Observations 4955 Correlation Matrix X1 X1 Have high standards of teaching 1.0000 X2 Continually learning on job 0.5548 X3 Successful in educating students 0.1610 X4 Waste of time to do best as teacher 0.2127 X5 Look forward to working at school 0.2531 X6 Time satisfied with job 0.1921 The PRINCOMP Observations 4955 Correlation Matrix X1 X1 Have high standards of teaching 1.0000 X2 Continually learning on job 0.5548 X3 Successful in educating students 0.1610 X4 Waste of time to do best as teacher 0.2127 X5 Look forward to working at school 0.2531 X6 Time satisfied with job 0.1921 Procedure Variables 6 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 0.5548 0.1610 0.2127 0.2531 0.1921 1.0000 0.1663 0.2313 0.2697 0.2225 0.1663 1.0000 0.2990 0.3557 0.4326 0.2313 0.2990 1.0000 0.4478 0.3993 0.2697 0.3557 0.4478 1.0000 0.5529 0.2225 0.4326 0.3993 0.5529 1.0000 Procedure Variables 6 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 0.5548 0.1610 0.2127 0.2531 0.1921 1.0000 0.1663 0.2313 0.2697 0.2225 0.1663 1.0000 0.2990 0.3557 0.4326 0.2313 0.2990 1.0000 0.4478 0.3993 0.2697 0.3557 0.4478 1.0000 0.5529 0.2225 0.4326 0.3993 0.5529 1.0000 S052/III.1(b): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators PCA Provides Bivariate Output … PCA assumes that all bivariate inter-relationships among the indicators are linear -- so, in a thorough PCA, you must:  Check the bivariate linearity assumption by inspecting a complete set of bivariate scatter-plots (not included here).  Fix any curvilinearity by applying suitable transformations to the indicators before proceeding (not needed here). PCA assumes that all bivariate inter-relationships among the indicators are linear -- so, in a thorough PCA, you must:  Check the bivariate linearity assumption by inspecting a complete set of bivariate scatter-plots (not included here).  Fix any curvilinearity by applying suitable transformations to the indicators before proceeding (not needed here). PCA seeks a set of ideal composites that are mutually uncorrelated and with decreasing maximum variance, given the set of original indicators:  Of course, it may not succeed in piling all six units of original standardized variance into a single “ideal” composite because the original indicators are not all perfectly inter-correlated to begin with!  So, in creating its “ideal composites,” PCA accounts for inter-correlations among the indicators, putting as much of original variance into the 1 st component as it can, before moving on to the creation of the 2 nd, etc. PCA seeks a set of ideal composites that are mutually uncorrelated and with decreasing maximum variance, given the set of original indicators:  Of course, it may not succeed in piling all six units of original standardized variance into a single “ideal” composite because the original indicators are not all perfectly inter-correlated to begin with!  So, in creating its “ideal composites,” PCA accounts for inter-correlations among the indicators, putting as much of original variance into the 1 st component as it can, before moving on to the creation of the 2 nd, etc.

9 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 9 Eigenvectors PC_1 PC_2 X1 Have high standards of teaching 0.3472 0.6182 X2 Continually learning on job 0.3617 0.5950 X3 Successful in educating students 0.3778 -.3021 X4 Waste of time to do best as teacher 0.4144 -.1807 X5 Look forward to working at school 0.4727 -.2067 X6 Time satisfied with job 0.4591 -.3117 PC_3 PC_4 PC_5 PC_6 0.0896 0.0264 0.6261 0.3108 0.0543 -.0217 -.6685 -.2548 0.7555 0.4028 0.0503 -.1746 -.5972 0.6510 -.0493 0.1129 -.2418 -.4501 0.3022 -.6176 0.0558 -.4584 -.2548 0.6433 List of the original indicators S052/III.1(b): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators PCA Provides Multivariate Output … This “ideal” composite is called the first principal component, it is: Where: This “ideal” composite is called the first principal component, it is: Where:. First principal component This Column Is Called The “First Eigenvector” It contains the weights that PCA has determined will provide a linear composite of the six original standardized indicators with maximum possible variance, given the inter-correlations among the indicators.

10 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 10 PC_1 PC_2 X1 Have high standards of teaching 0.3472 0.6182 X2 Continually learning on job 0.3617 0.5950 X3 Successful in educating students 0.3778 -.3021 X4 Waste of time to do best as teacher 0.4144 -.1807 X5 Look forward to working at school 0.4727 -.2067 X6 Time satisfied with job 0.4591 -.3117 PC_3 PC_4 PC_5 PC_6 0.0896 0.0264 0.6261 0.3108 0.0543 -.0217 -.6685 -.2548 0.7555 0.4028 0.0503 -.1746 -.5972 0.6510 -.0493 0.1129 -.2418 -.4501 0.3022 -.6176 0.0558 -.4584 -.2548 0.6433 S052/III.1(b): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators What Is The First Principal Component Measuring?. First principal component Each standardized indicator is approximately equally weighted in the First Principal Component:  This suggests that the first principal component is an even- handed synthesis of information originally contained equally in the six original standardized indicators.  Teachers who score highly on the first principal component: Have high standards of teaching performance. Feel that they are continually learning on the job. Believe that they are successful in educating students. Feel that it is not a waste of time to be a teacher. Look forward to working at school. Are always satisfied on the job.  Let’s define the first principal component as an overall index of teacher enthusiasm? Each standardized indicator is approximately equally weighted in the First Principal Component:  This suggests that the first principal component is an even- handed synthesis of information originally contained equally in the six original standardized indicators.  Teachers who score highly on the first principal component: Have high standards of teaching performance. Feel that they are continually learning on the job. Believe that they are successful in educating students. Feel that it is not a waste of time to be a teacher. Look forward to working at school. Are always satisfied on the job.  Let’s define the first principal component as an overall index of teacher enthusiasm?

11 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 11 Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 1 2.60599489 1.39439026 0.4343 0.4343 2 1.21160463 0.49880170 0.2019 0.6363 3 0.71280293 0.11761825 0.1188 0.7551 4 0.59518468 0.14741881 0.0992 0.8543 5 0.44776587 0.02111886 0.0746 0.9289 6 0.42664701 0.0711 1.0000 Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 1 2.60599489 1.39439026 0.4343 0.4343 2 1.21160463 0.49880170 0.2019 0.6363 3 0.71280293 0.11761825 0.1188 0.7551 4 0.59518468 0.14741881 0.0992 0.8543 5 0.44776587 0.02111886 0.0746 0.9289 6 0.42664701 0.0711 1.0000 S052/III.1(b): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators How Much Of The Original Standardized Variance Does The 1 st Component Contain? This column contains the eigenvalues. The eigenvalue for the first principal component is its estimated variance:  In this example, where indicator-indicator correlations were low, the best that PCA has been able to do is to form an “optimal” composite that contains 2.61 units of standardized variance, out of the original 6 units.  That’s 43.43% of the total original standardized variance.  This implies that 3.39 units of the original standardized variance remaining may measure something else!!!  Perhaps we can form other substantively-interesting composites from these same six indicators, by choosing different sets of weights:  Maybe there are other “dimensions” of information still hidden within the data?  Let’s inspect the other “principal components” that PCA has formed in these data … The eigenvalue for the first principal component is its estimated variance:  In this example, where indicator-indicator correlations were low, the best that PCA has been able to do is to form an “optimal” composite that contains 2.61 units of standardized variance, out of the original 6 units.  That’s 43.43% of the total original standardized variance.  This implies that 3.39 units of the original standardized variance remaining may measure something else!!!  Perhaps we can form other substantively-interesting composites from these same six indicators, by choosing different sets of weights:  Maybe there are other “dimensions” of information still hidden within the data?  Let’s inspect the other “principal components” that PCA has formed in these data …

12 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 12 Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 1 2.60599489 1.39439026 0.4343 0.4343 2 1.21160463 0.49880170 0.2019 0.6363 3 0.71280293 0.11761825 0.1188 0.7551 4 0.59518468 0.14741881 0.0992 0.8543 5 0.44776587 0.02111886 0.0746 0.9289 6 0.42664701 0.0711 1.0000 Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 1 2.60599489 1.39439026 0.4343 0.4343 2 1.21160463 0.49880170 0.2019 0.6363 3 0.71280293 0.11761825 0.1188 0.7551 4 0.59518468 0.14741881 0.0992 0.8543 5 0.44776587 0.02111886 0.0746 0.9289 6 0.42664701 0.0711 1.0000 There’s more to be learned about the dimensionality of the data by inspecting the remaining eigenvalues S052/III.1(c): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators Are There Other Principal Components That Are Worth Paying Attention To? What’s going on here is that PCA has piled as much of the 6 units of original standardized variance as it can into the first principal component (43%) and created a composite with maximum possible variance (2.61 units), given these indicators Then, it has taken the remaining variance (3.31 units or 57%) and used as much of it as possible to form a second principal component, that: Is uncorrelated with the first component, Has the next largest possible variance (1.21 units or an additional 20.19%). Then, it has taken the remaining variance (3.31 units or 57%) and used as much of it as possible to form a second principal component, that: Is uncorrelated with the first component, Has the next largest possible variance (1.21 units or an additional 20.19%). Then, it’s done the same again with a third principal component…. And a fourth principal component…. And a fifth…. And a sixth…. Here’s the “dimensionality” argument:  If all six original indicators were very strongly inter- correlated, with inter-correlations close to 1, and there were no measurement error in any indicator, then:  All six indicators would be high-quality measures of an underlying uni-dimensional construct.  All six units of original standardized variance would end up in 1 st component, with none left over.  If there were two independent dimensions of information in the 6 original indicators, then the bulk of the original variability would end up in the first two components.  Conclusion:.  Conclusion: You can determine the dimensionality of the original indicators by examining the eigenvalues.

13 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 13 Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 1 2.60599489 1.39439026 0.4343 0.4343 2 1.21160463 0.49880170 0.2019 0.6363 3 0.71280293 0.11761825 0.1188 0.7551 4 0.59518468 0.14741881 0.0992 0.8543 5 0.44776587 0.02111886 0.0746 0.9289 6 0.42664701 0.0711 1.0000 Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 1 2.60599489 1.39439026 0.4343 0.4343 2 1.21160463 0.49880170 0.2019 0.6363 3 0.71280293 0.11761825 0.1188 0.7551 4 0.59518468 0.14741881 0.0992 0.8543 5 0.44776587 0.02111886 0.0746 0.9289 6 0.42664701 0.0711 1.0000 S052/III.1(c): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators Using The “Rule of One” To Determine The Dimensionality Of The Data Conclusion:  In the teacher job satisfaction example, the Rule of One suggests that there are two major dimensions of information present in the original six indicators.  The third, fourth, fifth and sixth components then simply becomes “trash cans” into which trivial left-over amounts of independent information, or the measurement error, end up (it does have to go somewhere, after all!).  Be careful if you use the Rule of One to determine the dimensionality of a large number of indicators because, then, it tends to over-estimate the number of dimensions. Conclusion:  In the teacher job satisfaction example, the Rule of One suggests that there are two major dimensions of information present in the original six indicators.  The third, fourth, fifth and sixth components then simply becomes “trash cans” into which trivial left-over amounts of independent information, or the measurement error, end up (it does have to go somewhere, after all!).  Be careful if you use the Rule of One to determine the dimensionality of a large number of indicators because, then, it tends to over-estimate the number of dimensions. Use the “Rule of One” “The only principal components worth paying attention to, are those whose variances (eigenvalues) are bigger than any one of the original indicators on its own (i.e., bigger than 1)” Use the “Rule of One” “The only principal components worth paying attention to, are those whose variances (eigenvalues) are bigger than any one of the original indicators on its own (i.e., bigger than 1)” The Rule of the One, Ring How can we decide how many dimensions of independent information were present in the original indicators?

14 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 14 Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 1 2.60599489 1.39439026 0.4343 0.4343 2 1.21160463 0.49880170 0.2019 0.6363 3 0.71280293 0.11761825 0.1188 0.7551 4 0.59518468 0.14741881 0.0992 0.8543 5 0.44776587 0.02111886 0.0746 0.9289 6 0.42664701 0.0711 1.0000 Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 1 2.60599489 1.39439026 0.4343 0.4343 2 1.21160463 0.49880170 0.2019 0.6363 3 0.71280293 0.11761825 0.1188 0.7551 4 0.59518468 0.14741881 0.0992 0.8543 5 0.44776587 0.02111886 0.0746 0.9289 6 0.42664701 0.0711 1.0000 How many eigenvalues rise above the scree? S052/III.1(c): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators Using A “Scree Plot” To Determine The Dimensionality Of The Data How do we decide how many dimensions of independent information were present in the original indicators? Use a Scree-Plot …

15 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 15 Eigenvectors PC_1 PC_2 X1 Have high standards of teaching 0.3472 0.6182 X2 Continually learning on job 0.3617 0.5950 X3 Successful in educating students 0.3778 -.3021 X4 Waste of time to do best as teacher 0.4144 -.1807 X5 Look forward to working at school 0.4727 -.2067 X6 Time satisfied with job 0.4591 -.3117 TEACHER ENTHUSIASM We’ve already interpreted the 1 st principal component as measuring TEACHER ENTHUSIASM S052/III.1(c): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators Interpreting The Second Principal Component In The Teacher Job Satisfaction Data.62.60 -.30 -.18 -.20 -.31 high Teachers who score high on the second component…  Have high standards of teaching performance.  Feel that they are continually learning on the job. But also …  Believe they are not successful in educating students.  Feel that it is a waste of time to be a teacher.  Don’t look forward to working at school.  Are never satisfied on the job high Teachers who score high on the second component…  Have high standards of teaching performance.  Feel that they are continually learning on the job. But also …  Believe they are not successful in educating students.  Feel that it is a waste of time to be a teacher.  Don’t look forward to working at school.  Are never satisfied on the job TEACHER FRUSTRATION 2 nd principal component is measuring TEACHER FRUSTRATION

16 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 16 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Input the dataset, name and label the six indicators of teacher satisfaction *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*; DATA TSUCCESS; INFILE 'C:\DATA\S052\TSUCCESS.txt'; INPUT X1-X6; LABEL X1 = 'Have high standards of teaching' X2 = 'Continually learning on job' X3 = 'Successful in educating students' X4 = 'Waste of time to do best as teacher' X5 = 'Look forward to working at school' X6 = 'Time satisfied with job'; PROC FORMAT; VALUE AFMT 1='Strongly disagree' 2='Disagree' 3='Slightly disagree' 4='Slightly agree' 5='Agree' 6='Strongly agree'; VALUE BFMT 1='Strongly agree' 2='Agree' 3='Slightly agree' 4='Slightly disagree' 5='Disagree' 6='Strongly disagree'; VALUE CFMT 1='Not successful' 2='Somewhat successful' 3='Successful' 4='Very Successful'; VALUE DFMT 1='Almost never' 2='Sometimes' 3='Almost always' 4='Always'; *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Carry out the principal components analysis and inspect the first two components *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*; PROC PRINCOMP DATA=TSUCCESS OUT=TSUCCESS PREFIX=PC_; VAR X1-X6; PROC PRINT DATA=TSUCCESS(OBS=35); VAR PC_1 PC_2; PROC CORR NOPROB NOMISS DATA=TSUCCESS; VAR PC_1 PC_2; *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Input the dataset, name and label the six indicators of teacher satisfaction *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*; DATA TSUCCESS; INFILE 'C:\DATA\S052\TSUCCESS.txt'; INPUT X1-X6; LABEL X1 = 'Have high standards of teaching' X2 = 'Continually learning on job' X3 = 'Successful in educating students' X4 = 'Waste of time to do best as teacher' X5 = 'Look forward to working at school' X6 = 'Time satisfied with job'; PROC FORMAT; VALUE AFMT 1='Strongly disagree' 2='Disagree' 3='Slightly disagree' 4='Slightly agree' 5='Agree' 6='Strongly agree'; VALUE BFMT 1='Strongly agree' 2='Agree' 3='Slightly agree' 4='Slightly disagree' 5='Disagree' 6='Strongly disagree'; VALUE CFMT 1='Not successful' 2='Somewhat successful' 3='Successful' 4='Very Successful'; VALUE DFMT 1='Almost never' 2='Sometimes' 3='Almost always' 4='Always'; *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Carry out the principal components analysis and inspect the first two components *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*; PROC PRINCOMP DATA=TSUCCESS OUT=TSUCCESS PREFIX=PC_; VAR X1-X6; PROC PRINT DATA=TSUCCESS(OBS=35); VAR PC_1 PC_2; PROC CORR NOPROB NOMISS DATA=TSUCCESS; VAR PC_1 PC_2; Finally, the principal components scores can be examined and used in subsequent analysis … S052/III.1(c): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators You Can Obtain 1 st & 2 nd Principal Components Scores For Each Teacher Output the principal components into the TSUCCESS dataset, and label them with the prefix PC_ Print a few cases for inspection Check the inter-correlation of the first two principal components

17 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 17 Obs PC_1 PC_2 1 -0.67402 1.64567 2 -3.70420 1.25497 3 -2.80870 1.46971 4.. 5 -0.72933 0.16173 6.. 7 0.68828 -0.66211 8 -1.64624 1.96727 9 1.84142 1.66606 10 -0.11813 -0.20596 11 -3.70653 0.85507 12 2.11717 0.84820 13 -0.66466 -0.47258 14 -1.09068 -0.99362 15 -0.89365 0.42894 16 1.61503 0.55299 17 -1.95180 -2.33192 18 -1.40406 -0.25084 19 1.18572 -0.87904 20 -2.05647 -1.88495 21 -0.36685 -0.09749 22 -2.64324 -0.21207 23 2.21446 1.10305 24 -2.55062 -0.75701 25-0.03442 -2.97280 (cases deleted) Obs PC_1 PC_2 1 -0.67402 1.64567 2 -3.70420 1.25497 3 -2.80870 1.46971 4.. 5 -0.72933 0.16173 6.. 7 0.68828 -0.66211 8 -1.64624 1.96727 9 1.84142 1.66606 10 -0.11813 -0.20596 11 -3.70653 0.85507 12 2.11717 0.84820 13 -0.66466 -0.47258 14 -1.09068 -0.99362 15 -0.89365 0.42894 16 1.61503 0.55299 17 -1.95180 -2.33192 18 -1.40406 -0.25084 19 1.18572 -0.87904 20 -2.05647 -1.88495 21 -0.36685 -0.09749 22 -2.64324 -0.21207 23 2.21446 1.10305 24 -2.55062 -0.75701 25-0.03442 -2.97280 (cases deleted) Pearson Correlation Coefficients N = 4955 PC_1 PC_2 PC_1 1.00000 0.00000 PC_2 0.00000 1.00000 Pearson Correlation Coefficients N = 4955 PC_1 PC_2 PC_1 1.00000 0.00000 PC_2 0.00000 1.00000 As promised, scores on the first & second principal components are completely independent (uncorrelated) … S052/III.1(c): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators Inspecting 1 st & 2 nd Principal Components Scores For Each Teacher Notice that anyone missing a score on any indicator is also missing a score on any composite But, wait, there is still more to come …

18 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 3/1/2016S052/III.1(b) – Slide 18 Eigenvectors PC_1 PC_2 X1 Have high standards of teaching 0.3472 0.6182 X2 Continually learning on job 0.3617 0.5950 X3 Successful in educating students 0.3778 -.3021 X4 Waste of time to do best as teacher 0.4144 -.1807 X5 Look forward to working at school 0.4727 -.2067 X6 Time satisfied with job 0.4591 -.3117 Eigenvectors PC_1 PC_2 X1 Have high standards of teaching 0.3472 0.6182 X2 Continually learning on job 0.3617 0.5950 X3 Successful in educating students 0.3778 -.3021 X4 Waste of time to do best as teacher 0.4144 -.1807 X5 Look forward to working at school 0.4727 -.2067 X6 Time satisfied with job 0.4591 -.3117 The estimated correlation between any indicator and any component can be found by multiplying the corresponding component loading by the square root of the eigenvalue. This is sometimes useful in interpretation. The estimated correlation between any indicator and any component can be found by multiplying the corresponding component loading by the square root of the eigenvalue. This is sometimes useful in interpretation. S052/III.1(c): Using PCA To Form An “Ideal” Composite From Multiple Indicators Appendix 1: Interesting Aside On Evaluating The Size Of Principal Component Loadings Correlation of X1 and PC_1: = 0.347   2.61 = 0.347  1.62 = 0.561 Correlation of X1 and PC_1: = 0.347   2.61 = 0.347  1.62 = 0.561 Correlation of X1 and PC_2: = 0.618   1.212 = 0.618  1.101 = 0.680 Correlation of X1 and PC_2: = 0.618   1.212 = 0.618  1.101 = 0.680 Correlation of X1 and PC_3: = … = Correlation of X1 and PC_3: = … =

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