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Terrestrial and Freshwater VRE: bottom up creation of a collaborative platform Julien Radoux, Bari conference, september 11th Supported by:

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Presentation on theme: "Terrestrial and Freshwater VRE: bottom up creation of a collaborative platform Julien Radoux, Bari conference, september 11th Supported by:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Terrestrial and Freshwater VRE: bottom up creation of a collaborative platform Julien Radoux, Bari conference, september 11th Supported by:

2 VRE’s are Virtual Labs fabrics Biodiversity scientists need to handle complex information to test hypotheses Scientists need high flexibility Need to provide material to the scientists – Software  not everyone can code – Data  relevant data are sometimes hard to find – Hardware  Europe needs its own infrastructure

3 Aim of the VRE Inform scientists about existing material – Short term objective Provide ITC infrastructure to scale up analysis – Mid-term objective Combine tools for customized protocols Combine protocols for collaborative science – Long term objective  Usefull, published and accessible science

4 VRE’s are bottom-up initiatives Overall coordination by the Netherlands – Latest meeting in Amsterdam (March 2015) Currently 3 VRE’s but no walls around each – Alien invasive species – Marine – Terrestrial & Freshwater Launched at Louvain-la-Neuve meeting Coordinated by Lifewatch-WB Portal hosted by VLIZ Most LW countries contribute

5 Portal is in in pre-release mode Open data Open softwares ITC infrastructure for further developments

6 List of available open data of LW

7 Useful tools for T&F studies

8 Each service has an ID card Summary Link Tags Credits How to use Technology used Terms of use

9 « Develop » still need to be developed Existing portals must split their services Existing services should be brought to ITC – First provide access to remote servers with highly flexibile solution(e.g. R) – Then build tools to connect the existing components – Keep in mind that support and documentation are needed

10 What do we expect from EGI-LCC Short term – Consolidate existing solution geodata services – Provide flexible remote desktop for developers R Mid-term – Large storage solutions About 100 Tb/year minimum, more if possible We need to know what is possible to organize ourself

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