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 Tracks seats availability in a specific class (CRN)- only for HOKIES.  Has the ability to track a list of classes.  The tracking list grows dynamically.

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Presentation on theme: " Tracks seats availability in a specific class (CRN)- only for HOKIES.  Has the ability to track a list of classes.  The tracking list grows dynamically."— Presentation transcript:


2  Tracks seats availability in a specific class (CRN)- only for HOKIES.  Has the ability to track a list of classes.  The tracking list grows dynamically.  Class status is updated in real time.  Notifies user if there are available seats.  Has the ability to check for available seats.  TODO: have an option to add a class if seats were found.

3  AsyncTasks were used to update the GUI with the parsed result.  HttpPost/Get results are parsed in the background of the AsyncTasks.  User information is saved in sharedPereferece through the RoutingMessages class.  List view was used to display tracked classes.  A Tracking Service that checks seats availability for each class in the list.  A notification class.

4 Login Tracking List Search by CRN Tracking Service Check user Credentials Main Menu

5  User has to input his/her information once.  Handles invalid user name or password errors.  Handles errors when the website is down for maintenance.

6  It was hard to login to VT server due to security issues.  Dynamic fields had to be saved along with the user info in order to login.

7  Displays who is logged in.  Logout option will delete user info and a warning message will be displayed.  Debug button was used for testing purposes.  The top right button prompts the search menu.  The top left button prompts the tracking list.  Info button will display app version and the designer information.

8  After the user inputs a CRN and click on “Find Seats” button, the class information will be displayed and if the class is full a “Track Class” button shows to ass class to the list.  Handles invalid CRN errors.  Handles errors when the website is down for maintenance.

9  The list contains all the classes that are being tracked.  Classes info and status will be displayed.  User can click on an item and delete it from list.

10  Since it hard to test the functionality of the app due to time constraints, a debug button was used to change the available seats in one of the classes when its clicked.

11  When an item from the list is clicked, the user has the option to delete that item.

12  When there are seats available in one of the classes, this notification will be prompt.  The phone will vibrate and beep.  The status of that class on the list will be updated.

13  This service will be running in the background even if the app is destroyed.  It has a thread that keeps checking for available seats for all the classes in the list.

14  When the user clicks on the “Logout” button, this warning will be displayed.  If logged out, all the user information will be deleted along with the tracked list.  Login screen will be displayed if user clicked yes.

15  Add options to enable the application to add class when its available.  Include other Universities.


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