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Sensation Mrs. Craig. Vision--Parts of the Eye 4 Cornea 4 Iris 4 Lens 4 Pupil 4 Retina 4 Fovea 4 Blind Spot.

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Presentation on theme: "Sensation Mrs. Craig. Vision--Parts of the Eye 4 Cornea 4 Iris 4 Lens 4 Pupil 4 Retina 4 Fovea 4 Blind Spot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sensation Mrs. Craig


3 Vision--Parts of the Eye 4 Cornea 4 Iris 4 Lens 4 Pupil 4 Retina 4 Fovea 4 Blind Spot


5 Rods & Cones 4 Rods- receptor cells sensitive to violet- purple wavelengths; good for night vision; only sees black & white 4 Cones- receptor cell for colors; works in daylight. 4 Cones are concentrated in the center of the retina, Rods are spread around the outside.

6 Color Blindness 4 Red-green blind - the most common, and more in males than females. 4 yellow-blue blind 4 totally color blind - with only rods functioning, must avoid bright light.


8 Afterimages 4 Firing of unused cones after steady viewing in order to bring cone levels into balance



11 Find your Blind Spot 4 Place two marks on a blank sheet about 4 inches apart. 4 Cover your left eye and stare at the left mark. 4 Move the paper toward your face until the other mark disappears. It’s in your blind spot!

12 Audition (Hearing) 4 Pitch - how high or low a sound is. 4 Intensity - how loud a sound is (decibels)


14 Parts of the Ear 4 ear drum, bones, cochlea, cilia, auditory nerve.


16 Cutaneous reception 4 1. Physical changes 4 2. Temperature changes 4 3. Continuously Active/Pain - responds to injury or poison


18 Olfaction (Smell) 4 Cilia report detected molecules to the olfactory bulb. 4 Animals use Pheromones to communicate by smell.


20 Taste 4 Taste buds on tongue report to brain 4 taste buds made of papillae 4 Four types of taste receptors: sweet, sour, bitter, and salt. 4 Salt - needed in childhood especially. 4 Bitter - to warn of poison 4 Sugar - needed for energy


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